Defending a Higher Law Goes Nationwide

Defending a Higher Law Goes Nationwide 2

As part of its Traditional Marriage Crusade, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) is holding promotional talks and signings for it s new book against same-sex “marriage.” In the first week after its publication, the book has been promoted at events in St. Louis, Miami and … Read more

Another Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre

Another Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre 2

Feminists on thirty-four American Catholic Universities are planning a new Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre, aimed at the Church’s traditional moral teaching, by organizing showings of the infamous lewd play, The V***** Monologues in the weeks surrounding Saint Valentine’s Day. The choice of Saint Valentine’s Day particularly offensive, since it is a feast … Read more

In Defense of the Catholic Social Order

Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites

This year we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the launching of the book: Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites. This last work of Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira outlines a true program to bring the world out of the chaos into which it is sinking. It indicates the path for an authentic restoration … Read more

The True Colors of “Tolerance”

The American public is often asked to tolerate the “alternative homosexual lifestyle” in the name of diversity. This “tolerance” seeks to rid America of its so-called conservative, religious, bigoted, and discriminatory attitudes toward homosexual vice. At the same time, the homosexual movement has worked hard to convince the world that they are … Read more

TFP Decries Supreme Court’s Decision as America’s “Moral 9/11”

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has issued the following statement about the June 26, 2003 Supreme Court’s decision on Lawrence v. Texas striking down a Texas anti-sodomy law: The American TFP decries the June 26, 2003 Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas striking down … Read more

Not Only Cows are Mad

Not Only Cows are Mad 1

There was a time when farmers were really farmers. They were not international businessmen who would send their products half way across the globe. They did provide the local area with quality food. With plenty of hard work and ingenuity, they developed their land and made an honest living. They proudly displayed … Read more

Prince Bertrand Speaks on Leadership and Faith

Prince Bertrand Speaks on Leadership and Faith 1

On December 7-16, Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza went on a TFP-sponsored speaking tour of American cities which included St. Louis, Missouri; New Orleans and Alexandria, Louisiana. He spoke on the importance of Catholic leadership in society and visited with Catholic and civic leaders. Prince Bertrand bears the title of Prince Imperial of … Read more

The American TFP Statement Decries “Cowardly Acts of Terrorism”

The American TFP 10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage is Harmful - Free online version

The American TFP decries the coordinated terrorist attacks on American soil. These cowardly acts, which took thousands of lives, have targeted more than just important buildings. In a maneuver of psychological warfare, these terrorists have focused on America, choosing key symbols of its financial and military power. The attacks provide an occasion … Read more

TFP Talk: Breaking with the Cult of Ugliness

TFP Talk: Breaking with the Cult of Ugliness 1

Over fifty TFP friends and supporters in the Baltimore area filled the student lounge at the Loyola University Graduate Center in Timonium on March 13 to listen to Fr. Anthony Brankin speak on “The Cult of Ugliness in America.” Father also spoke the following night to a full auditorium in the amenable … Read more

TFP Lecture on Facts and Myths on the Amazon

A lecture was delivered by Professor Everisto de Miranda, Ph.D., on September 20 at the National Press Club, Washington DC, on the Amazon Rainforest. Prof. Miranda received his Master and Doctoral degrees in Ecology at the University of Sciences and Technology of Languedoc, France, and now teaches ecology at the University of … Read more