Victory for Traditional Marriage in Missouri

Victory for Traditional Marriage in Missouri

Nearly three out of four Missourians who voted on Tuesday voiced their rejection of same-sex “marriage,” passing a state constitutional amendment defining that “marriage shall exist only between a man and a woman.” Missouri is the first of at least nine states scheduled to put similar constitutional amendments on the ballot. Although … Read more

Is There Still Free Speech in Poland Today?

Is There Still Free Speech in Poland Today?

The entry of Poland into the European Union was supposed to have ushered in a new era of democracy, tolerance and freedom to the former Soviet Bloc nation. Gone forever was the totalitarian past of Communist regimes. Such hopes are now apparently premature. The threat of a cultural revolution threatens to impose … Read more

Three Cheers for Missouri

Three Cheers for Missouri 2

Ms. Vicky Hartzler Coalition to Protect Marriage in Missouri P.O. Box 581 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Dear Ms. Hartzler: On behalf of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), I congratulate you for yesterday’s tremendous victory for traditional marriage. With the eyes of the nation on the … Read more

The Homosexual March That Wasn’t

The Homosexual March That Wasn’t 1

June is the month when homosexual activists hold their so-called “gay pride” marches. In cities throughout the world, the media are quick to highlight these events as signs of vibrant homosexual militancy. Readers will find plenty of news about the marches as they happen. However they will not find anything about the … Read more

America: Between Chaos and Hope

In the light of the same-sex “marriage” debate, the very premises of a civilized nation are now being questioned. By definition, a civilized country is one that lives under the rule of law and justice. True law must be based on morals or it will be nothing but an arbitrary imposition. When … Read more

Rallying for God’s Law

Rallying for God’s Law 5

On May 16, over 100 people rallied in Hanover, Pennsylvania’s Wirt Park to save a park monument of the Ten Commandments. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) participated in the rally, providing two speakers and its Holy Choirs of Angels Corps band which enlivened the event … Read more

Krakow Says NO!

Krakow Says NO! 1

The city of Krakow would seem to be an unlikely place for a heated debate over homosexual “rights” and same-sex “marriage.” Poland’s cultural capital is situated in a conservative region in this overwhelmingly Catholic country. The city’s homosexual population is minute and insignificant. Indeed the issue has been largely ignored by Polish … Read more

The “Animal Homosexuality” Myth

The Animal Homosexuality Myth

In its effort to present homosexuality as normal, the homosexual movement turned to science in an attempt to prove three major premises: 1. Homosexuality is genetic or innate; 2. Homosexuality is irreversible; 3. Since animals engage in same-sex sexual behavior, homosexuality is natural. Keenly aware of its inability to prove the first … Read more

Scuttle Specter’s Chairmanship Hopes

Scuttle Specter’s Chairmanship Hopes

The debate over the chairmanship of the Senate Judiciary Committee still rages. In one development, Planned Parenthood is asking its activists to thank Senator Arlen Specter (R.-Penn.) for his “moderate” stance on abortion. In light of this continuing debate, The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) opposes … Read more