Three Cheers for Missouri

Three Cheers for Missouri

Ms. Vicky Hartzler
Coalition to Protect Marriage in Missouri
P.O. Box 581
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Dear Ms. Hartzler:

On behalf of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), I congratulate you for yesterday’s tremendous victory for traditional marriage.

With the eyes of the nation on the Show Me State, Missourians sent a powerful message that America chooses to stick with God, the Ten Commandments and the perennial, unchanging norms of natural law despite pressure from the homosexual movement, activist judges, and liberals in media, academia, and Hollywood.

From every prayer-filled foxhole, from every faithful unit swinging into action as the battle for traditional marriage continues around the nation, we heard last night a resounding hurrah for Missouri, a cry of gratitude to you and everyone who pulled together to win this important victory. All of us are emboldened and invigorated by your sacrifice and dedication.

I thought you would like to have copies of TFP’s February book, Defending a Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same-Sex “Marriage” and the Homosexual Movement, and our June 13 statement “Catholics Must Affirm Their Faith in Their Public Lives,” as published in The Washington Times. They are a sample of TFP’s efforts in the cultural war in which you and everyone in the Coalition to Protect Marriage in Missouri are playing a momentous role.

Three cheers for Missouri!

Sincerely yours,
Three Cheers for Missouri
Raymond E. Drake


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