The Tyranny of Tiny Souls Beyond Mediocrity

The Tyranny of Tiny Souls Beyond Mediocrity

We live in terrible times when tiny horizons dominate the attention of so many. We do not think in grand terms anymore. People are not motivated by magnificent desires or passions. Few appreciate splendor and overwhelming beauty. Instead, many seek the tiny impulse, the momentary high or the insignificant trifle, as a … Read more

Why We Must Oppose the Postmodern Attack on the West

Why We Must Oppose the Postmodern Attack on the West

It has become fashionable to attack “the West.” The term no longer expresses the certainties it once did. Thus, it has proven to be a ready scapegoat to blame for so many of the world’s ills. Both the left and right share this criticism. Gone is the secure, unified world it once … Read more

A Report on the War on Patriarchy

A Report on the War on Patriarchy

What do free love, fornication, adultery, unnatural vice, Spiritism, the occult, Satanism, radical egalitarianism, revolution, socialism, communism, hatred and willful homicide have in common? The answer: Feminism. The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us is well worth reading. Author Carrie Gress traces the history of the feminist movement … Read more

What Isolationism Will Do to America and the World

What Isolationism Will Do to America and the World

In today’s dangerous world scene, many populist and nationalist sectors call for walking away from world commitments and focusing on national problems. They see this isolationism as a Benedict option writ large. There are certainly enough national problems and expenses to occupy America and the nations of the world. Minding one’s own … Read more

How did Modern Academia Become Enamored with Magic?

How did Modern Academia Become Enamored with Magic?

The postmodern university is fascinated with magic, and this is a most curious coupling—one with ominous social overtones. Until the mid-twentieth century, serious academics regarded any mention of magic as the ravings of the stupid or insane. They followed the scientific method of empiricism, emphasizing verifiable evidence in acquiring knowledge and forming … Read more

Abortion Clinics Cannot Overcome the Stain of Shame

Abortion Clinics Cannot Overcome the Stain of Shame

After the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the battle for the unborn rages unabated, as each side must readjust its strategies in a nation divided in half over this vital moral issue. As much as the left tries to frame the debate in terms of “women’s health” or “reproductive rights,” it cannot … Read more