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The Counter-Revolution

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property™ (TFP™) is an organization of lay Catholic Americans concerned about the moral crisis shaking the remnants of Christian civilization. Its earliest origins date back to January 1971, when the first TFP members started to group around the publication Crusade for a Christian Civilization. Today, with over 120,000 active members, volunteers and donors, the TFP is on the front lines of the Culture War, peacefully defending the values of tradition, family and private ownership.

Central to the TFP mission is the idea that the various crises threatening American society and the Church cannot be seen as separate and disjointed. Rather they originate from a single cause.

The TFP handbook Revolution and Counter-Revolution by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira masterfully traces the historical and philosophical roots of this single cause: a phenomenon called the Revolution.

The TFP was born from the idea of a Counter-Revolution, a reaction that would embrace every field of human activity, but especially art, ideas and culture. TFP books, publications and newspaper advertisements help bring these views to the public. Moreover, the TFP is not afraid to take them to the streets with colorful sidewalk campaigns in major cities.

The first TFP was founded in Brazil in 1960 by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. The American TFP is one of many autonomous TFPs that now exist around the world dedicated to the same ideals and at the service of Christian Civilization (See Links). 

The Counter-Revolution

The American TFP’s national headquarters is located in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania.

We can be reached at:

The American TFP
P.O. Box 341
Hanover, PA 17331
Phone – (888) 317-5571 or (717) 225-7147
FAX – (717) 225-7382

Staff: The American TFP relies on the dedication of approximately 75 full-time volunteers and 100 employees.

Supporter Network: The TFP’s Supporter Network consists of individuals and families who dedicate free time to the TFP’s efforts. TFP supporters hold regular activities and meetings around the country and often participate in TFP campaigns. The American TFP also holds regional and national seminars for its supporters.

Other Members: In addition to full-time members and supporters, the American TFP and its affiliate campaign, America Needs Fatima count on over 200,000 supporting members nationwide who donate or promote TFP ideas.

Meetings: The American TFP holds meetings to educate and motivate its friends and supporters. Its speakers’ bureau addresses topics related to education, socialism, Fatima, the family and culture.

Action: On special occasions, the American TFP members, supporters and local coordinators have organized events and protests. In May-June 2006, for example, TFP local coordinators carried out over 2,000 protests at local theaters against the blasphemous film The Da Vinci Code. Another special campaign are the Public Square Rosary Campaigns in October each year, with over 20,000 rallies across the country.

Caravans: At times, TFP “caravans” travel across the nation. These are groups of volunteers that travel from city to city, bringing important issues to the man in the street.

Student Action: Concerned about the future, the American TFP’s Student Action works to spread the ideals of Christian civilization to colleges and universities. To visit the TFP Student Action web page, click here.

TFP Staffed St. Louis de Montfort Academy: The TFP also staffs a boys’ boarding school in rural Herndon, Penn. which provides students with a solid Catholic formation. To see the St. Louis de Montfort Academy’s website, please click here.

TFP Summer Camps: Building Catholic Character
Every summer, the TFP coordinates formative and recreational youth programs in Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Florida and occasionally California and Wisconsin. These programs are designed to instill self-discipline, reinforce parental authority, educate youth on the truths of the Catholic Church, and urge them to be positive elements in bringing the Reign of Christ and His Blessed Mother to society.

Fatima Campaign: The American TFP’s America Needs Fatima campaign, provides a variety of grassroots actions. Members of the Fatima Proclaimer Program regularly distribute Fatima flyers and information. Since its inception in 1985, Fatima proclaimers have distributed over ten million flyers nationwide. For more information, see our America Needs Fatima website, by clicking here.

Publications: The American TFP publishes a variety of books, statements, newsletters, and pamphlets which are valuable resources to our public. Read some TFP books online, or purchase a hard copy from our online Store. Visit the TFP’s online Store, by clicking here.

Magazine: Crusade Magazine, the American TFP’s bimonthly magazine is a valuable tool for understanding events. It features insights based on Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira’s works and sections on apologetics, history, the family, and current issues. Crusade is a must-read for those who want to challenge the politically correct and secular environments. To access Crusade Magazine online, click here.

Web site: The American TFP’s web site is regularly updated and receives over 100,000 monthly visitors.

Other TFPs, Inspired and Related Groups: To view links to other autonomous TFPs, inspired and related groups around the world, please click here.

The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
TFP National Conference 2012: Confidence in Our Lady Amidst the Storm 10
The American TFP The Counter-Revolution
A talk given at the TFP's Washington Bureau in Arlington Virginia
A Fatima Home Visit
A home visit of the TFP's America Needs Fatima Campaign
A member of TFP Student Action speaks with students at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore
Volunteers of the American TFP's America Needs Fatima Campaign
TFP members gather signatures to defend the family prior to the 2015 Synod on the Family in Rome
Participants of the 2012 Call to Chivalry Summer Camp in Pennsylvania
Participants of the 2015 Arkansas Call to Chivalry Fall Camp
Participants of the 2012 Call to Chivalry Summer Camp in Pennsylvania
Participants of the 2016 Pennsylvania Call to Chivalry Summer Camp
The TFP staffed St. Louis de Montfort Academy
The 2015 graduating class of the St. Louis de Montfort Academy
Students of the Academy
Members of TFP Student Action at the Iwo Jima Memorial in Washington D.C.
Some members of TFP Student Action
TFP standards at the 2015 March for Marriage in Washington D.C.
The TFP marching band at the 2016 March for Life in Washington D.C.
TFP standards at the 2016 March for Life in Washington D.C.
A TFP caravan in defense of true marriage on the streets of Baltimore
A caravan member is interviewed about the campaign
A TFP campaign in favor of traditional marriage on the campus of the University of Wisconsin
A Public Square Rosary Rally in front of Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York City
A Public Square Rosary Rally in front of Saint Patrick's Cathedral on Fifth Avenue in New York City
Protest against the blasphemous theatre play %22The Testament of Mary%22 in New York City
Protest against the satanic black mass held at the Oklahoma City Civic Center in 2014
Public reparation for the blasphemous theatre play 'The Testament of Mary' held in New York City
A TFP regional conference in Louisiana
TFP National Conference, Meeting, Spring Grove, Penn
A view of the 2015 TFP National Conference
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The American TFP has promoted:

the love for our Christian heritage; a love of chivalry, social graces, and refinement; an appreciation for healthy and just social inequalities, and traditional elites; respect for the flag and the honor of the nation; patriotism; nationwide Rosaries for the protection of law enforcement; worldwide Rosaries for the defeat of ISIS; the need for beauty in art and architecture; the right to own firearms; the Fatima message of prayer, penance and conversion; love of purity and the faith on college campuses; formation of Catholic youth through Call to Chivalry Summer Camps; public square Rosary rallies; affirming our faith in the public square; the Catholic teaching on “just war”; the refusing of Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians; parental rights; homeschooling; free enterprise and the right to private property; and a sound economy as an integral part of an organic Christian society.

The American TFP has opposed:

contraception; abortion; euthanasia; human cloning; the social acceptance of homosexual practice; anti-discrimination laws that give homosexuals a privileged status; the lifting of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in our military; homosexual adoption; domestic partnerships, civil unions, and same-sex “marriage”; transgenderism; homosexual films, theater plays, events, and pro-homosexual clubs on Catholic college campuses; public blasphemy; nudism; socialist childcare; socialist healthcare; socialist allocation of federal waters; death taxes; self-managing socialism; international communism; President Carter’s human rights policy; the policy of détente with communist regimes pursued by the American and Western governments; progressivism; liberation theology; the Vatican’s policy of Ostpolitik with communist governments; the retroactive lifting of statutes of limitations for civil cases involving sexual abuse; the enactment of State laws forcing clergy to violate the seal of Confession in cases of child abuse; the removal of beauty from and the democratization of the Catholic Church; “frenetic intemperance” in the economy; the ecological movement; pacifism; imprudent nuclear disarmament; and the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Corporate Structure and Information: The American TFP’s corporate name is The Foundation for a Christian Civilization, Inc. (the “Foundation”). The Foundation is incorporated in the State of New York as a non-profit corporation and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible up to 50% of the donor’s adjusted gross income.

From the standpoint of Roman Catholic Canon Law, The American TFP is a private association of faithful formed by a free agreement among some of the faithful (canon 299 §1) exercising their right to freely found and govern associations for charitable or pious purposes or to promote the Christian vocation in the world (canon 215), to imbue and perfect the temporal order with the spirit of the Gospel (canon 225 §2), or to animate the temporal order with the Christian spirit (canon 298 §1). It works so that the divine message of salvation becomes known and accepted by all persons throughout the world (canon 225 §1).

Fundraising registration: Most states require charitable organizations to register with them, prior to engaging in fundraising activities within their jurisdiction. The Foundation has been registered since 1984. Many of these states require the Foundation to disclose specific information. You can read these legal disclosures by clicking here.

Allocation of Joint Costs: The American TFP communicates with our supporters, donors, and prospective donors by email, postal mail, phone and other means, both to request contributions to support our defense of Christian Civilization and to educate the public about the beauty of Christian Civilization and our efforts year-round to promote tradition, family and property, youth formation programs, Crusade Magazine and the America Needs Fatima campaign. These efforts help advance our mission to defend Christian Civilization. As a result, in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) guidelines and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidance, the American TFP allocates a portion of our fundraising costs to program services. As a nonprofit organization that is exempt from federal taxation, we ensure our donors’ money is spent as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Donation: The American TFP is supported entirely by donations from friends and supporters. If you would like to donate, you may do so by mail or online by clicking here.

Board of Directors:
John W. Horvat II
Gary J. Isbell
C. Preston Noell III
Raymond E. Drake
Robert E. Ritchie

Key Staff:
President Raymond E. Drake
Vice President John W. Horvat II
Secretary-Treasurer Benjamin A. Hiegert
Gary J. Isbell, Webmaster for and
John W. Horvat II, Author of Return to Order
Robert E. Ritchie, Campaign Director for America Needs Fatima
John Ritchie, Campaign Director for TFP Student Action
C. Preston Noell III, Public Liaison