Massive Sacred Heart Billboard Campaign…

Milwaukee Wisconsin, Hwy 41
Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Hwy 41

Highlights Kingship of Christ this June

America Needs Fatima is promoting a nationwide billboard campaign to proclaim June as the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The effort highlights the Kingship of Christ during a month now widely hijacked by LGBTQ activists.

America Needs Fatima supporters are finding widespread enthusiasm for the project, which hopes to have nearly 175 or more billboards up all over the country in June. The aim is to spread the visible devotion to the Sacred Heart throughout the month traditionally dedicated to Him.

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“When my husband and I first heard about the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus billboards being put up all over the country last year, we felt a very palpable grace like a breath of air from Heaven and knew we wanted to be a part of it,” said Mrs. Therese Castle from Leray, Va., about the billboard campaign which she is undertaking alongside her husband.

To date, billboards are appearing nationwide with the message: “June is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Christ is King!” A beautiful picture of the Sacred Heart welcomes the millions of drivers who will pass by the billboards.

Massive Sacred Heart Billboard Campaign...
Boston, Massachusetts.

America Needs Fatima is a special campaign of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP).

Billboard Campaign’s Inception

The billboard campaign had humble origins. In June 2022, America Needs Fatima supporters Mr. & Mrs. Domenick Galatolo noticed a billboard promoting Pride month at a local shopping center in June.

Upset by the aggressive sign, Mrs. Galatolo was determined to put a Sacred Heart billboard proudly proclaiming, “June is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,” at the same place the following year.

The following year, Catholics in northern Florida were happily surprised and encouraged to see not one but many huge billboards on the side of the road promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

With support coming first from family and friends, the Galatalos soon began receiving financial support across America and even Canada. So prolific was this aid that the $1700 needed for one less expensive billboard swiftly ballooned to $15,000, resulting in three additional higher-profile billboards, for a total of two in Ocala and two in Orlando. This year, the couple has managed to place ten billboards in the area.

A Pattern of Expanding Billboards

Other America Needs Fatima supporters experienced the same massive support. Devotees who thought about sponsoring one billboard suddenly found they had the means to do many more.

Matt Nick, near Rockford, Ill., is a perfect example of someone facing this “problem.” He started soliciting funds for two or three billboards.

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“We just reached out to our friends and asked them to reach out to their friends,” he says. “Almost immediately, I started getting text messages with pledges.”

Soon, he had the means to schedule multiple billboards, including one near O’Hare Airport. One placement led to another until he finally reached a grand total of 14 billboards. Nick concluded that it was not due to his efforts but “God who truly did all the heavy lifting.”


Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

‘Pride’ vs. Humility of Heart

June has become the scene of battle between – ultimately – the forces of good and evil, with activists seeking to claim the month for LGBT and “Pride” while altogether rejecting the sacrality of the devotion to the Sacred Heart.

The America Needs Fatima billboard campaign filled a need for those who wanted to do something special in the public square to honor Our Lord.

“It is a time of year where many evils of impurity are especially being encouraged publicly with ‘Pride’ month in schools, parades, rallies, drag queen brunches and story hours, family fun events with LGBTQ to influence children, pornographic books in the libraries for all ages…to name a few,” lamented Mrs. Castle, who sponsored three Sacred Heart billboards last year.

By placing a billboard, Catholics could reclaim the public space to its rightful owner. It encourages Catholics by showing that others are fighting back.

“Bombarded with Pride Month Displays”

“In Lafayette, La., we get bombarded with Pride month displays in June,” reports Richelle Van Deventer. “I, too, decided to send out a group text. Almost instantly, texts came in. People were excited to participate, and we raised in a very short time enough to put 13 digital billboards around town.”

New Orleans, Louisiana.

Like other billboard coordinators, she is buying vinyl billboards this year and will keep them for the future. She also concentrates on very busy intersections in the shopping area of town and near the university, where they are much needed.

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The response has also been great in Pennsylvania. “We have contracted not just one, but THREE billboards in the Lancaster area for the month of June, dedicated to Our Lord’s Sacred Heart! Praise be to God and all glory to Him!” writes Kristin Young about her efforts.

Targeting Areas in Need of Christ

So many Catholics are responding generously and joining America Needs Fatima in the campaign to raise the Sacred Heart in the public square. They sense the need and the efficacy of reaching out to people in their daily lives.

Depending on where each billboard is placed, tens and even hundreds of thousands of Americans will encounter the direct call to cultivate a devotion to the Sacred Heart as they pass by.

Patrick Ashcraft of Cincinnati, Ohio, personally visits potential sites to gauge traffic. He reports, “We focused our initiative on those high-traffic volume areas in the surrounding metro area, most of which will have viewership well into the six-digit range during our 30-day Sacred Heart of Jesus billboard initiative.”

Broad Scope of the Campaign

This campaign is not limited to the local level. Given the intense nature of the spiritual battle between the promotion of LGBT ideology and the truth of Christ, the Sacred Heart billboard campaign is a notable participation in the Church’s unchanging mission of saving souls.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Indeed, this initiative is an “opportunity to open hardened hearts,” says Mrs. Van Deventer. “If we can convert just one person here in Lafayette, Louisiana, it would be worth it. We know many more are impacted by this display.”

“My hope is to take a clear stand by doing what we can to change the course of history and show that God is not dead as many want us to think or believe,” adds Mrs. Castle. “Now and in the end, we all know who wins, and this is a small way we can participate in God’s victory. Viva Cristo Rey forever!”

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May the image of the Sacred Heart and its message touch and soften many hardened hearts this June.

For those wanting more information about this campaign, please get in touch at 888-317-5571.

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