1,000 Rosary Rallies Reclaim June for the Sacred Heart, Oppose LGBT “Pride Month”

1,000 Rosary Rallies Reclaim June for the Sacred Heart, Oppose LGBT “Pride Month”
1,000 Rosary Rallies Reclaim June for the Sacred Heart, Oppose LGBT “Pride Month”

This June, thousands of Catholics will raise their Rosaries in a powerful counteroffensive against LGBT “Pride” that has taken over the month. Join America Needs Fatima in a nationwide campaign of prayer and public witness: reclaiming June for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Not Homosexual Pride!


The Sacred Heart: A Beacon of Divine Love

June has long been dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a beautiful devotion reflecting God’s boundless love for humanity. This love, most profoundly expressed through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, offers forgiveness, healing, and eternal life.

It stands in stark contrast to the Homosexual “Pride” movement, a shameless celebration of immorality and, at its core, rebellion against God’s law. Their hedonistic displays and militant ideology directly contradict the message of the Sacred Heart.

Radical leftists claim that the LGBT cause is, at least in part, about their right to love. But can genuine love be found in fleeting desires and public defiance of God’s will?


No — true love, as exemplified by the Sacred Heart of Jesus, is selfless, sacrificial, and enduring. It seeks the well-being of the other, not fleeting gratification. The “Pride” movement promotes a distorted view of love, centered on self-affirmation and the pursuit of pleasure. This egocentric approach ultimately isolates individuals and undermines the foundation of a healthy society, built on the values of respect, commitment, integrity, and self-sacrifice.

In one of her many visions of the Sacred Heart, Sister Margaret Mary Alacoque heard Our Lord say, “I ask of you that the Friday after the Octave of Corpus Christi be set apart for a special feast to honor my heart, by communicating on that day, and making reparation to it by a solemn act, in order to make amends for the indignities which it has received during the time it has been exposed on the altars. I promise you that my heart shall expand itself to shed in abundance the influence of its divine love upon those who shall thus honor it, and cause it to be honored.”

Beyond our individual devotion to Him in private, Our Lord calls us to offer public reparation for the offenses committed against His Heart and the sins of others — not as judgment, but as a sign of solidarity with God’s wounded love, much like how Jesus offered Himself on the cross for the world’s sins. As Pride “masses” and events plague the country throughout the month of June, we must be just as present and persistent in our acts of peaceful, prayerful protest.


Testimonials from Rally Captains

Taking the task of public reparation to heart, our Rally Captains are praying in public places all across the country to reclaim June for the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here are a few testimonials and pictures from the over thousand rallies that swept the nation:

1,000 Rosary Rallies Reclaim June for the Sacred Heart, Oppose LGBT “Pride Month”
Amsterdam, New York.

“We had the rosary rally in front of our church which is on a highway. Thank you and God bless you all in your wonderful work for Christ and His mother!” – Selina in Cameron, Louisiana


“Thank you for sending us the banner and as always may God and Our Blessed Mother be consoled and the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary be hastened!” – Nguyen in Austin, Texas

1,000 Rosary Rallies Reclaim June for the Sacred Heart, Oppose LGBT “Pride Month”
Huntington, West Virginia.

“We had our Rosary Rally this past Sunday in Hartford, Connecticut in front of Saint Patrick and Saint Anthony Catholic Church, making a protest and act of reparation against the blasphemous ‘Wonderfully Made – LGBTQ+R(eligion)’ movie being sponsored by the parish, which includes an extremely blasphemous picture of Our Lord’s cross.

We had six rally attendees present. We had several shows of support, even from some of

the parish members. We had some negative feedback, including a transgender man from the

parish staff. On Sunday, Hartford was also having its Homosexual Pride Parade, so there were

some people there for that.

Overall it was a very blessed rally to make a protest and act of reparation against this horrible

movement.” – Michael in Bridgeport, Connecticut

1,000 Rosary Rallies Reclaim June for the Sacred Heart, Oppose LGBT “Pride Month”
Honolulu, Hawaii.

“We had a few honks and thanks to the goodness of God, no yelling, harassment, nor obscene words were said.” – Veronica in Richardson, Texas

“With two banners, a statue of the Sacred Heart, and a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, 15 of us prayed the five Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, the (original) Litany of Loreto, the Divine Mercy Chaplet (sung), the Prayer to St. Joseph, the Memo rare, the Prayer to St. Michael, and the Guardian Angel Prayer. We got the usual attempts to disrupt our prayers. We kept on. The disruptive women left.” – Thomas in San Diego, California

Join the Month-Long Rosary Counter-Revolution

This June, Our Lord needs us more than ever before. In the face of encroaching immorality and shameless indecency, we must rise as a radiant force for good, wielding the invincible weapon of Rosary in a world that thirsts for divine light. Rally Captains are the foot soldiers in this spiritual battle, the beacons who ignite a wave of restorative prayer and penance across our nation.


Don’t be intimidated by the loudness of moral decline. Our Lord watches over all that we do to protect His Heart. When we organize Rosary Rallies in our communities, He sees us. When we stand strong outside of churches that dare to host mocking “Pride Masses,” He is with us. Our Lord — and His Mother, Our Lady — will always give us the graces we need to persevere. And, when you join our Crusade, you gain thousands of friends and allies in America Needs Fatima. 

SIGN UP as Rosary Rally Captain today, and join our month-long Rosary revolution to reclaim June for Jesus and for the good of our nation.

Also, our Rosary Rallies to pray for America’s conversion are just around the corner, and we’d love to have you join us. CLICK HERE to hold a Rosary Rally in your community this July.

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