“Pride Mass” at Catholic Church Wounds the Sacred Heart

“Pride Mass” at Catholic Church Wounds the Sacred Heart
“Pride Mass” at Catholic Church Wounds the Sacred Heart

Wolves are destroying the Faith from within. For a seventh year, a sacrilegious “Pride Mass” took place on June 23, 2024 at Our Lady of Grace Church in Hoboken, New Jersey, thus wounding Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Archdiocese of Newark.

Nothing was hidden. Rainbow streamers hung from the pillars inside the church. The main altar of the sanctuary was further desecrated with flowers arranged according to the colors of the rainbow, a symbol of unnatural sin. Moreover, a rainbow-colored welcome sign was visible in the church’s central aisle, and a digital billboard facing the public street announced the “Pride Mass.”

Watch the protest here:

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Wolves in the Church Posing as Pastors

The parish bulletin of the week included a message from the pro-homosexual pastor, Fr. Alex Santora. His note, illustrated with a rainbow flag, mentioned a parish group called “Gay Grace.” He also complained about faithful Catholics: “…we receive hundreds of e-mails from all over the country, phone calls to the parish and post cards telling us to cancel the [pride] Mass.”

More than 56,900 people joined a TFP petition to stop the “Pride Mass.” The petition asks the Archdiocese of Newark to avert the blasphemy. “The most sublime prayer of the Church is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,” states the petition. “Therefore, the Holy Mass and the sins of rainbow pride are mutually exclusive. No harmony, no coexistence, and no inclusion are possible.”

Eyewitnesses reported that young children were present at the sacrilegious Mass, a fact mentioned by the priest during his sermon. This added scandal brought to mind Our Lord’s severe words to those who harm the innocence of children: millstones.

Inside the sanctuary, sitting side-by-side with the priest, was a gray-haired woman wearing a black t-shirt printed with the homosexual slogan, “love is love,” a cunning phrase crafted to justify lust.

Protesting “Pride Mass” with Rosary of Reparation

Such a sacrilege called for reparation. Answering that call, faithful Catholics with TFP Student Action opposed the blasphemous event with a peaceful protest outside the church. They offered their loving act of reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, praying the rosary in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Two TFP bagpipers played Marian hymns during the reparation rally.

A resident stopped to talk. “Many years ago,” he said, “I was an altar boy at this Church. But when I saw all the rainbow stuff, and heard the priest push his agenda during the sermons, I left. This church used to be full—but it’s not anymore.”

How many souls have been driven away from the Church by pastors who welcome sin under the false pretext of “mercy” and misleading compassion?

Resisting the “Pride Mass,” Catholics displayed signs in front of the Our Lady of Grace Church. The message was clear: “Purity YES. Lust NO,” and “Sodomy is not a family value,” and “Stop blasphemy now.” A larger banner read: “In June, we honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus, not sinful homosexual pride! Reparation, reparation, reparation.”

God Doesn’t Make Mistakes

Another concerned Catholic said: “God created male and female. There is no non-binary. There is no transgender. These people have been deceived by the enemy. It is a mockery of God’s holy and wonderful creation.”

Leading the rosary of reparation was TFP volunteer Byron Whitcraft. “It’s interesting to note how Rome is restricting the traditional Latin Mass,” he said. “Yet a public sacrilege like the one here—the ‘pride Mass’—is allowed to go on without any restrictions. We need to pray a lot.”

Under the papacy of Pope Francis, the homosexual revolution within the Church has made unthinkable gains. Dozens of “pride” Masses take place annually. Priests and bishops contest the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Fiducia Supplicans by Pope Francis has caused untold confusion, and pro-homosexual clergy are blessing sinful same-sex unions. How did this happen?

To help Catholics understand the present crisis, the TFP launched a book, The Breached Dam: The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Movement.

The new book explains the systematic process of how the homosexual movement infiltrated and subverted the Catholic Church. It also outlines the more recent documents and declarations of church officials who affirm the true and perennial teachings of the Church.

Indeed, Catholics must oppose homoheresy and events such as “Pride Mass.” The book asserts the right of the faithful to resist teachings contrary to those of the Supreme Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

After the protest concluded, TFP volunteers made their way home. Traveling the busiest highways, they saw huge billboards at busy crossroads proclaiming June as the month consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. These billboards are on display not only in New Jersey and New York City but also across the country.

The billboards brought to mind a refrain from the prayer of reparation to the Sacred Heart.
“The more Thy mysteries are blasphemed, the more firmly we shall believe them, O Sacred Heart of Jesus! The more Thy holy laws are transgressed and ignored, the more we shall delight to observe them, O most holy Heart of Jesus! The more Thy Sacraments are despised and abandoned, the more frequently we shall receive them with love and reverence, O most generous Heart of Jesus!”

Despite the daunting times we live in, Faithful Catholics must not grow despondent or indifferent but adopt a posture of courage and fortitude. Who has the right to surrender when Our Lord Himself promised that the gates of hell will never prevail against the Church?


First seen on TFP Student Action.

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