TFP at Penn State University: Working to Save Terri and Bar Euthanasia

TFP at Penn State University: Working to Save Terri and Bar Euthanasia 1

A motivated contingent of twenty-five TFP members and St. Louis de Montfort Academy students traveled to Penn State University on Monday morning, March 14, to rally for Terri Schiavo’s survival. TFP’s presence at the busy intersection of Allen Street and College Avenue in State College was eye-catching. Three bagpipers filled the crisp … Read more

Resisting the Pressure: Poland is Not Alone

Speaking about the threat of same-sex marriage in Catholic Poland is a bit like talking about the need to prepare an inland country for a coming hurricane. For many Poles, homosexuality is simply not part of their daily experience; same-sex “marriage” is an inconceivable aberration. Yet this unlikely “hurricane” is now appearing … Read more

Saving Terri Schiavo

Saving Terri Schiavo

Saving Terri Schiavo TFP Calls on America to Reject Roe v. Wade’s Bitter Fruits America is unsettled over the case of Terri Schiavo. Fifteen years ago, she suffered brain damage that left her totally dependent on others for basic care, including nourishment. Pursuant to a court order, this nourishment is scheduled to end March 18, when … Read more

Cardinal Medina Praises Defending a Higher Law

Cardinal Medina Praises Defending a Higher Law

""""[vc_column_text] As the same-sex “marriage” debate rages worldwide, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) welcomed an encouraging commentary on its 2004 book defending traditional marriage from Cardinal Jorge A. Medina Estévez. The Cardinal sent his remarks upon receiving the new Spanish-language edition of the American TFP’s … Read more

Forgotten Honor

Forgotten Honor

Before the 2004 elections fade into history, it is good to remember that moral values were only part of the wining equation. There was another factor, indeed another moral value, which was all too quickly forgotten: honor. It was the honor of the Vietnam veterans that suddenly entered into the debate. They … Read more

Nebraska Archbishop Reviews Defending a Higher Law

Nebraska Archbishop Reviews Defending a Higher Law 1

As the same-sex “marriage” debate rages across the nation, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) welcomed an archbishop’s encouraging review of its landmark 2004 book defending traditional marriage. Archbishop Elden Francis Curtiss of Omaha, Nebr. sent his Oct. 11 review of Defending a Higher Law: Why … Read more

Catholics Unite to Face a Polarized America

Catholics Unite to Face a Polarized America 4

For a seminar focusing on the divisions inside the nation, the 2004 TFP National Conference was a scene of amazing unity. The Columbus weekend event brought together Catholics of like mind from across the nation for an intense and varied program. By the end of the conference, all seemed to be immersed … Read more

Victory in Louisiana

Victory in Louisiana

Overwhelming is perhaps the best word to describe it. By a margin of almost 4-to-1 margin, Louisiana voters put a ban on same-sex “marriages” or civil unions in the state Constitution. Undemocratic is perhaps the best word to describe the efforts of pro-homosexual activists to overturn the results of the election. The … Read more

America Needs Fatima Says: Free Kids from Online Pornography

America Needs Fatima Says: Free Kids from Online Pornography 2

When the Supreme Court extended an injunction against the enforcement of the Child Online Protection Act (COPA), it also guaranteed the access by innocent children to online porn. Internet pornographers were handed a victory and the opportunity to corrupt American youth with no fines or consequences. In answer to the decision, America … Read more