1,000 Rosary Rallies Fight to Protect America’s Children

1,000 Rosary Rallies Fight to Protect America’s Children

There are many evils running rampant in our highly secularized society, but perhaps none so disturbing as the relentless attacks on our children’s innocence. Public schools and libraries all over our nation have been flooded with sexually explicit LGBTQ books and pornography—propaganda pushed on our children by the radical left, under the … Read more

This TFP Campaign Made Liberal Students Run To a Safe Space

This TFP Campaign Made Liberal Students Run To a Safe Space

Protecting children from LGBT grooming should not be a controversial topic, but the anti-innocence students at Northwestern University showed otherwise when about a dozen volunteers with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) arrived at their campus on April 4, 2024. The TFP set up its pro-children’s … Read more

1,000 Rosary Rallies Celebrate Traditional Marriage

1,000 Rosary Rallies Celebrate Traditional Marriage

The sacrament of marriage, a sacred union between a baptized man and woman, is often undervalued—or worse, totally distorted—by secular society. Between homosexual “marriages,” sexual promiscuity, and “non-traditional” family structures, people have lost touch with what is truly beautiful and essential about marriage—and what God intends it to be. On March 16, … Read more

1,000 Rosary Rallies Honor Saints Jacinta and Francisco

1,000 Rosary Rallies Honor Saints Jacinta and Francisco

In our increasingly secularized world, examples of true supernatural sacrifice are difficult to find. For this reason, the devotion to Saints Jacinta and Francisco serves as an unwavering beacon of hope for countless faithful. On February 17, Catholics across America honored Saints Jacinta and Francisco in over 1,000 Rosary Rallies promoted by … Read more

1,071 Rosary Rallies All Across America Fight for the Unborn

1,071 Rosary Rallies All Across America Fight for the Unborn

The radical left has a lot to say about a woman’s “right to choose”—but nothing about the unborn child, the other human life abortion involves. This January, America Needs Fatima gave a voice to the voiceless, promoting over 1,000 Pro-Life Rosary Rallies all across the nation. Testimonials from Rally Captains Psalm 139 … Read more