Pope Francis’s Nightmare of a World Without Borders

Pope Francis’s Nightmare of a World Without Borders

Pope Francis’s third encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, predictably deals with the plight of the migrant. This theme has characterized his pontificate, as he never loses an opportunity to take it up. Not all share his enthusiasm; most are apprehensive about what it means for the future. Mass migration is a sensitive subject for … Read more

The Real Issue at the Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearings

The Real Issue at the Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Hearings

Everyone knows the Supreme Court Justice confirmation hearings are not about Amy Coney Barrett, her qualifications or the Constitution. Of course, everyone goes through the theatrics of what the hearings are supposed to be. The Senate Judiciary Committee’s liberal members will dutifully cast themselves as the Constitution’s guardians. They will dramatically insist … Read more

I’m Catholic. Can I Disagree With Pope Francis on Property?

I’m Catholic Can I Disagree With Pope Francis on Property?

Pope Francis’s encyclical Fratelli Tutti presents a dilemma for all who defend the right of private property. On the one hand, the teaching document Pope Francis signed on October 3 questions this right. On the other, past popes, theologians, and canonists have always taught that private ownership, as it is largely practiced, … Read more

Why Do Supreme Court Nominees and Justices Reject Natural Law?

Why Do Supreme Court Nominees and Justices Reject Natural Law?

In his book about natural law, Prof. J. Budziszewski explains how this fundamental law is written on the hearts of everyone without exception. Indeed, natural law is so evident that he claims it is “what you can’t not know.” Hence, the title of his book. Everyone-at all times and places-knows that lying, stealing … Read more

The Golden State Is Killing its Golden Goose

The Golden State Is Killing its Golden Goose

It is not enough that Californians already pay some of the highest taxes in the U.S. With fuzzy logic, it now wants to impose another income tax increase coupled with a wealth tax in the Golden State! The 2020 State Business Tax Climate Index, produced by the Tax Foundation, ranks California near … Read more

The Riots: Why Do None Dare Call Them Evil?

The Riots: Why Do None Dare Call Them Evil?

The problem with living in a relativist society is that it takes from us our ability to describe and analyze issues objectively. Amid the current unrest, for example, many people refuse to label actions good or evil. According to this relativistic perspective, acts are morally neutral. We are expected to watch the … Read more

The Marxist and Satanist Roots of the Current Crisis

The Marxist and Satanist Roots of the Current Crisis

“When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of socialism…. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But take it we will.” Many Americans heard this quotation … Read more

Justice Comes to All, Even to Supreme Court Judges

Justice Comes to All, Even to Supreme Court Judges

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg died at the age of 87. Immediate tributes poured in from all over the world, praising this activist judge who contributed to so many important decisions that will affect America negatively for decades to come. Most encomiums praised her tenacity, talents and abilities. They celebrated her … Read more

Why Is America Unraveling?

Why Is America Unraveling?

Many are asking why America is unraveling. The question is not surprising. A long process of polarization has existed between ever more dissonant factions. However, we avoided a breakup. Most people did not want to abandon the idea of America outright. No one wanted out—at least not too far out. As long … Read more