Notre Dame’s Rebuilding Touches France to the Core

Notre Dame’s Rebuilding Touches France to the Core

Something about Notre Dame Cathedral overwhelms and fascinates the postmodern mind. Even in its present damaged state, the charred building commands the world’s attention. The cathedral’s authenticity prevailed over all attempts to disfigure it with a restoration of brutal modernistic redesigns. When the spire and roof burned and collapsed on that fateful … Read more

Why Harry and Meghan’s Oprah Interview Imploded

Why Harry and Meghan’s Oprah Interview Imploded

Most people are employed for what they do. Others find jobs for what they know. However, few people find their function exclusively in what they are. Of the three jobs, the latter is by far the most important and difficult. The other two involve situations where individuals can rest from their occupations. … Read more

Why Joe Biden’s Rosary Is So Important

Why Joe Biden’s Rosary Is So Important

President Joe Biden’s insistence on his good standing with the Catholic Church is at odds with his positions on procured abortion, same-sex “marriage,” socialism and “transgender” activism. He is the second Catholic president in the nation’s history, and in the short time he has been in office, the most anti-Catholic one. He … Read more

Beyond Spoiled: Introducing the ‘Squishy Generation’

Beyond Spoiled: Introducing the ‘Squishy Generation’

There have always been parents who spare the rod and spoil the child. However, today’s hyper-protective parents have thrown away the rod of any punishment and taken the coddling of children to dangerous new levels. The Spanish daily El Mundo carried an article on the disastrous effects of this upbringing on children. … Read more

The Great Reset ‘Feeds Secularization’ and Paves Way for ‘De-Christianized Society’

The Great Reset ‘Feeds Secularization’ and Paves Way for ‘De-Christianized Society’

The World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” initiative will communize capitalism, technocratize society, feed secularization and pave the way for a de-Christianized world, Italian philosophy professor Renato Cristin has warned. The proposal, backed by world leaders and which aims to create a more sustainable future and build solidarity after the coronavirus crisis, would … Read more