TFP Finds No Need For Global Gun Control

In a letter to President George W. Bush, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) commended the Administration for its “forthright, frank and courageous position” in deterring UN efforts to prohibit civilian possession of small arms. The TFP took note of comments by Mr. John Bolton, Under … Read more

TFP Protests Corpus Christi at Indiana University

Protest Corpus Christi

Like most productions considered blasphemous, the scheduled showing of the play Corpus Christi at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW) on August 10-11, is dividing the local community members, many of whom are lodging protests against Chancellor Michael Wartell who has refused to reconsider.

TFP Statement on UK Elections: Don’t Ignore Moral Crisis

TFP Statement on UK Elections: Don't Ignore Moral Crisis 1

In face of June 7 elections which centered on economic issues, the Society for the Defence of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) in the United Kingdom issued a statement on the lack of ideological and moral content of the electoral debate. The statement “Are We To Be Treated As a Nation With … Read more

TFP Announces Reparation Rally at Santa Fe Museum

Overwhelming public outcry should have prompted the museum officials to cancel the art exhibit. However, despite the continual yet peaceful protests, Alma Lopez’s “Our Lady” exhibit at the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe, New Mexico will remain for five more months. Press reports describe the exhibit as a computer … Read more

Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza Visits America

Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza Visits America

Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza visited the United States in a nine-day stay with American TFP members that included New York, Washington D.C., and Miami. The May 1-9 visit was full of media interviews and talks. In Washington D.C., he spoke on pressing issues of Latin American concern and met with leading conservative … Read more

TFP Launches China “Reality Check” Campaign

TFP Launches China "Reality Check" Campaign 2

After issuing a public statement on the EP-3 surveillance plane incident, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has now launched a campaign to take this issue to the man on the street. The TFP document, “Shattering Myths: A Reality Check on China,” points out how successive … Read more

TFP Calls for Reality Check on China

Shattering Myths: A Reality Check on China 1

Responding to the mistreatment of the EP-3 surveillance plane’s crew, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has issued a public statement calling for a reality check on American foreign policy with the communist Chinese. The document especially highlights the continued persecution of Chinese Catholics. The statement … Read more

TFP Deplores Chinese Act of Aggression

TFP Deplores Chinese Act of Aggression 2

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has issued the following statement about the standoff over the American reconnaissance plane held in China: “The detention of 24 American military personnel in China is an act of aggression and, as such, in no way warrants an apology. The … Read more

American TFP Supports Flag-Protection Amendment

American TFP Supports Flag-Protection Amendment 1

Ever since the Supreme Court defined flag burning as “free speech” in 1989, Americans across the nation have vehemently protested this offense against the honor of the nation. As a flag-protection amendment comes to a vote once again, the American TFP adds its voice to those who protest against this strange “right” … Read more

TFP Opens Flier Floodgates to Protest Blasphemy

Legion: A Film that Mocks the Faith and Leads to Despair 1

Protest fliers are now available for those who want to make their voices heard about the Brooklyn Museum of Art’s current exhibits which many Catholic consider blasphemous. The American TFP and its affiliate campaign America Needs Fatima announced the fliers are the latest development in its peaceful protest against the blasphemy. According … Read more