TFP Deplores Chinese Act of Aggression

TFP Deplores Chinese Act of Aggression
TFP Deplores Chinese Act of Aggression
The Chinese government continues to violate human rights on a massive scale. Troops suppress demonstrations in Tainanmen Square.

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has issued the following statement about the standoff over the American reconnaissance plane held in China:

“The detention of 24 American military personnel in China is an act of aggression and, as such, in no way warrants an apology. The incident that preceded the emergency landing on Chinese territory took place outside Chinese waters. The continued holding of the Americans is an outrage that violates every notion of international law. The United States is entirely justified in demanding the immediate release of the Americans and their aircraft.

“Furthermore, the Chinese regime has no moral grounds on which to demand an apology. The Chinese government obstinately clings to a communist ideology that is responsible for the death of tens of millions of its citizens. The government continues to violate human rights on a massive scale. The regime systematically subjects people to forced abortion, illegal detention, and persecutes the Catholic Church. Slave and child labor are common and documented.

Shattering Myths: A Reality Check on China

“In face of this deplorable act of aggression, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP), urges President George W. Bush to insist upon their immediate release and, failing this, to consider measures such as appropriate sanctions and other diplomatic means to ensure the quick and safe return of the American military personnel.”

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