The Mysterious Arrival of Cuban Doctors in South Africa

The Mysterious Arrival of Cuban Doctors in South Africa

Many South Africans were uneasy with the news of Cuban doctors arriving in the country to help treat COVID-19 patients. The 213-strong team alighted at the Waterkloof Airbase in Pretoria to a show of support normally reserved for visiting heads of state. No less than three members of the Cabinet were on … Read more

How Senseless Policies Make America Look like Wuhan, China

How Senseless Policies Make America Look like Wuhan, China

Capitalizing on a crisis to expand authority is not a new phenomenon. Good emergency policies need to be implemented for the sake of the common good. However, these measures can get out of hand and lead to encroachment on personal liberties and rights. All too often, temporary emergency measures become permanent. Overreaching … Read more

Rethinking China

Rethinking China - A Prophetic Voice and the Predictions That Foresaw Where We Are Today

“We will be forced to review our relationship.” Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed this intimidating statement to Donald Trump, who called COVID-19 the “Chinese virus.” The President of the United States, leader of the greatest economic and military power in history, felt the need to surrender and stop using the “Chinese” adjective. … Read more

Involve All Americans in the Fight Against the Coronavirus!

Involve All Americans in the Fight Against the Coronavirus!

When the coronavirus crisis first erupted, many private companies naturally stepped up to the plate. They saw the needs of communities and addressed them—many times free of charge. U-Haul, for example, saw the plight of stranded college students and offered them free storage place when their schools shut down. Other companies voluntarily … Read more

Administration Saves Puddles and Streams From Government Control

Administration Saves Puddles and Streams From Government Control

A puddle used to be a normal result of an afternoon shower. Water would accumulate and run off to streams and rivers. No one thought about puddles as something significant. That was before environmentalists defined such puddles as protected bodies of water. The 2015 Clean Water Rule (CWR) declared puddles and streams … Read more

Slashing the Green Stranglehold on American Infrastructure

Slashing the Green Stranglehold on American Infrastructure

On January 1, 1970, President Richard Nixon signed into law the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). It requires the federal government to assess the environmental impact for infrastructure projects that are funded or regulated by the federal government. NEPA, which began ostensibly as an attempt to mitigate harm to the environment, has … Read more

A Simple Proposal That Will Help Solve the Abortion Debate Now

A Simple Proposal That Will Help Solve the Abortion Debate Now

The abortion debate has heated up again as heartbeat bills are passing all over the country. Feminists and liberals express outrage over the provisions that allow no exceptions and threaten women’s “rights.” There are two major arguments in this highly emotional debate. The first is the need for exceptions. The pro-abortion activists … Read more

Can the State Tax the Church?

Can the State Tax the Church?

The Holy Roman Catholic Church is the natural enemy of the secular left. Battles between these two forces have gone on for centuries—long before the term “secular left” came into common usage. In those struggles, the left has employed every weapon it could find to use against the Church. All too often, … Read more

Why Are the Major Leagues Funding Communist Cuba?

Why Are the Major Leagues Funding Communist Cuba?

The United States has had a long and tempestuous relationship with communist Cuba. After communist dictator Fidel Castro seized American assets in Cuba, President John Kennedy announced an economic, political and commercial embargo on the island in 1962. In this way, America showed its rejection for the regime that has not stopped … Read more