On Those Things a President Cannot Solve

On Those Things a President Cannot Solve

There are many issues that President Trump can solve. His first great accomplishment was solving the election. Almost all conservatives adopted a thank-God-it’s-not-Hillary approach to the Trump presidency. There was a general sigh of relief over a bullet dodged. As time passes, the administration now stands on its own merits beyond being … Read more

Why Is Socialism Still Popular?

Why Is Socialism Still Popular? 2

If ever there was a set of ideas that has been tried and found lacking, it is socialism. It has been tried on every continent. It has been tried in weak nations and strong. It has been tried in primitive countries and those which are highly developed. The most striking thing about … Read more

A Formula for Dealing With the $21 Trillion Federal Debt

A Formula for Dealing With the $21 Trillion Federal Debt 1

It is official; the national debt has now exceeded $21 trillion. The tragic news comes just six months after it hit $20 trillion last September 8. This problem is obviously not going away. By voting to suspend the debt ceiling, Congress has allowed the government to borrow as much as it needs until … Read more

The Apples-and-Oranges Debate over Tariffs

The Apples-and-Oranges Debate over Tariffs 1

As I watch the debate over tariffs, I can’t help but feel the two sides are not speaking the same language. They are talking apples and oranges. One side is concerned only about money while the other side deals with social impact. I don’t think this apples-and-oranges debate can be reduced to … Read more

Looking at South Africa’s “Zexit” Moment

Looking at South Africa’s “Zexit” Moment

South African wit is sometimes at its best during tragedies or when dark clouds abound, so it was that the wits had a field day during Jacob Zuma’s tenure and long-sought exit from the South African Presidency on February 14. Playing on the Portuguese Marxist revolutionary slogan “A luta continua” (The struggle continues), … Read more

Who Will Banish the Madmen in Education?

Who Will Banish the Madmen in Education?

Young people get blamed for a lot of things. They’re called snowflakes for withering and melting at the least criticism or politically incorrect commentary. They are deemed irresponsible and accused of merely “adulting” when they manage to handle the life decisions typical of adults. And now the Department of Education’s latest financial … Read more

Three Ways to Stop the DACA Nightmare

Three Ways to Stop the DACA Nightmare

The “dreamer” debate is raging as the nation contemplates what to do with the 800,000 young people who came to America illegally as children alone or with parents or relatives. Of course, this debate was foreseen. The Obama administration broke the immigration rules with its Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, … Read more