Injured in the Line of Duty

At 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, December 22, while most were snug in bed, resting up for Christmas activities, veteran pro-lifer Ed Snell was arriving at Hillcrest Abortion Center, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He had come with two other activists to persuade women entering the clinic not to abort their pre-born children. The group … Read more

The Christmas Marketing Disaster

The Christmas Marketing Disaster 1

Quite simply, success in marketing depends upon offering the right product to the right consumer at the right time. That is not always easy since the fickle consumer is constantly changing and the marketer must be ever-ready to adjust accordingly. Thus, depending on one’s perspective, marketing has become a science, a craft … Read more

The Return of the Radical Atheists

The Return of the Radical Atheists 6

After decades of ignoring the huge influence of religion in society, journalists and analysts are now discovering the “danger” of religious radicalism. It has become trendy to decry the rise of fundamentalists of any sort and to Talibanize religious groups that affirm anything too categorically. Indeed, atheists have discovered much to their … Read more

Hypocrisy, Cynicism and the Homosexual Ideology

Hypocrisy, Cynicism and the Homosexual Ideology 1

The scandal that resulted in Senator Larry Craig’s resignation announcement on September 2 proves how absurd it is to present homosexual vice as a normal and acceptable lifestyle. The Vice’s Tyrannical Stranglehold Taking the facts as they are reported by the media coupled by Senator Craig’s guilty plea, the assessment of the … Read more

Trouble Brewing in China

Trouble Brewing in China

For decades, American businessmen have been outsourcing production and setting up factories in Communist China. They cite a large and industrious work force with minimal labor costs as the reason that supposedly allows them to manufacture a product at the lowest possible costs. American manufacturers employing American workers are hard-pressed to compete. … Read more

No Happy Ending for Abortion

No Happy Ending for Abortion

In the early days of women’s “liberation,” many activists saw abortion as a necessary and even desirable component of the sexual revolution of the sixties. Freed from childbearing, women could engage in numerous relationships without consequences. However, like many of the tenets of feminism itself, such attitudes no longer prevail. In the … Read more

Remembering the Victims of Communism

Remembering the Victims of Communism 2

On June 12, the Victims of Communism Memorial was officially unveiled in the presence of government leaders, diplomatic corps members, ethnic leaders, foreign dignitaries and other supporters. Located in the nation’s capital, President George Bush received the memorial on behalf of the American people. The Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, delivered the … Read more

TFP Statement on the Innocent Paying for the Guilty Left Unanswered

Is it Fair that the Innocent Pay for the Guilty?

Sometimes the best indication of the efficacy of one’s work is the testimony of the opposition. One such incident recently happened during a session of the Delaware Senate. During these five years of intensive media reporting on the scandals inside the Church, some states have extended their criminal and civil statutes of … Read more

The Hate Crime Bills: Imposing an Anti-Christian Worldview

The Hate Crime Bills: Imposing an Anti-Christian Worldview

By Luiz Sérgio Solimeo Homosexual acts are a moral aberration, yet the drive to have them accepted as normal by society continues full steam ahead. Egregious recent examples can be found in two bills under consideration in Congress which would grant special privilege to those embracing the homosexual lifestyle, and intimidate and … Read more

Diversity, a “Talismanic” Word of the Homosexual Movement

Diversity, a “Talismanic” Word of the Homosexual Movement

In the terrible Cultural War afflicting the contemporary world, the most effective and destructive weapons are not bullets or bombs but rather ideas, concepts and words that attack traditions and institutions. Indeed, the most intense struggle now facing the nation is one of beliefs, ideas and convictions. Bombs may kill, wreak havoc … Read more