Hypocrisy, Cynicism and the Homosexual Ideology

Hypocrisy, Cynicism and the Homosexual Ideology
Hypocrisy, Cynicism and the Homosexual Ideology

The scandal that resulted in Senator Larry Craig’s resignation announcement on September 2 proves how absurd it is to present homosexual vice as a normal and acceptable lifestyle.

The Vice’s Tyrannical Stranglehold

Taking the facts as they are reported by the media coupled by Senator Craig’s guilty plea, the assessment of the situation of many Americans is that here we have a member of Congress who showed himself incapable of mastering his homosexual impulses-even at the risk of political suicide. This widespread impression helps us measure the tyrannical stranglehold homosexual impulses have upon those who surrender themselves to them. They become a true obsession. They weaken man’s will and cloud his intellect. He becomes completely enslaved to these most irrational impulses.

If a man with strong reasons to abstain from this kind of behavior (not wanting to jeopardize his political career) was unable to do so, what should we imagine is the behavior of other homosexually addicted individuals who lack strong reasons to practice self-restraint?1

The brutality of the reported facts simply confirm what morality, history, common sense, and serious studies conclude, namely, that the homosexual vice is devastating to the human personality.

Condemning Hypocrisy Instead of Vice

In the brouhaha surrounding the senator, anyone who thought the homosexual movement and its allies would take a low profile and wait out the storm, was wrong. They successfully gave their spin on the scandal, continuing to cast aspersion on anyone who opposes their ideology.

Not being opposed to Senator Craig’s reported actions, they focused their criticism on the hypocrisy they seemed to reveal. In fact, the scandal-tainted politician has voted against the homosexual agenda in Congress.

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Thus, the more serious issue—the practice of homosexual vice—was passed over in silence, and the movement’s strident clamor highlighted the inconsistency between the senator’s alleged actions and his votes: while personally indulging in homosexual acts, his legislative track record hindered their normalization and acceptance in society.2

In this line, the statement by Matt Foreman, Executive Director National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, is quite telling:

“What’s up with elected officials like Senator Craig? They stand for so-called ‘family values’ and fight basic protections for gay people while furtively seeking other men for sex. Infuriating pathetic hypocrites. What more can you say?”

Foreman goes on, making it clear that he is not opposed to the use of public bathrooms for homosexual activity: “And by the way, why are Minneapolis tax dollars being used to have plainclothes police officers lurking idly in airport restroom stalls?”3

This is also why the homosexual movement has turned its guns on Jim Naugle, the mayor of Fort Lauderdale, Fl., protesting against the enforcement measures he has been taking to thwart those intent on using the city’s public restrooms for homosexual intercourse.

The charge of hypocrisy voiced by the homosexual movement should, in all fairness, be laid at its own doorstep: why does the movement seek to make hay from the scandalous behavior attributed to Senator Craig when it defends the public indecency he was accused of?

To Avoid Scandal is Not the Same as Being a Hypocrite

Setting aside the whole Craig episode, let us consider the various attitudes a person can adopt regarding his own sin.

First of all, to call every concealment of sin an act of hypocrisy shows a lack of understanding of the nature of sin and the human soul. It is a psychological and moral oversimplification.4

Hypocrisy, Cynicism and the Homosexual Ideology
Homosexual parade in San Paulo, Brazil: a perfect example of public sin.

Sin does not affect only the person who commits it. If a sin is public, it can influence others to evil. In such cases, the sinner is guilty not just for his individual sin, but also, for the sin of scandal and all its serious consequences. Thus, hypocrisy is not always and necessarily the reason for the hiding of faults. The desire to do so could stem from a last vestige of moral sense still at play within the soul and which leads one to search for ways to avoid giving scandal.5

On the other hand, we must remember that what characterizes hypocrisy is not the concealment of sin, but rather to conceal sins in order to receive the honors due to virtue, knowing full well that one does not deserve them. Which is why the wit of La Rochefoucauld defined hypocrisy as “the homage which vice renders to virtue.”

Cynicism is Worse Than Hypocrisy

Like virtue, vice has degrees. And the least that can be said about the sinner who tries to avoid giving scandal is that he has not fallen as low as the cynic. Indeed, the latter, far from hiding sin, holds it up prominently for everyone to see, showing how proud it makes him.

Just as there are cases of sick people that revolt against their illnesses and who deliberately try to contaminate others, so also many cynics feel a morbid pleasure in giving scandal and thus induce others to fall into sin.

From Cynicism to Ideology

No matter how low man falls, he can never discard his rational nature. Consequently, the cynic who glories in his sin feels the need of finding a rational justification for his behavior. This psychological imperative facilitates the eruption or the acceptance of ideologies that “justify” his conduct.

Acceptance of the “justifying” ideology is frequently followed by fanatical adherence.

Once fanaticized, the cynic sins not only because he seeks an illusory pleasure, but also and sometimes predominantly, for ideological reasons. Sin is made to serve ideology, for unbridled human pride is more despotic than the disorders of the flesh. Not only does the cynic strive to recruit more ideological foot soldiers, but he uses the sin as a battering ram to attack and demolish the moral structures of society.

10 Razones Por las Cuales el “Matrimonio” Homosexual es Dañino y tiene que Ser Desaprobado

This is the work of moral destruction caused by the homosexual movement. Through many means, including its coast-to-coast homosexual pride parades, the movement exerts a continual pressure on judges and lawmakers both to grant its numerous demands and to paralyze, punish, and persecute its opponents.

Although in the past, especially during the Renaissance, traces of this homosexual ideology could be found in cabals of artists and writers, this is the first time in the history of the Christian West that it has shaped a worldwide movement.

To understand the nature and strategy of this movement is of supreme importance for everyone wanting to defend the natural moral law and the Ten Commandments. The homosexual movement’s handling of the Senator Craig scandal gives us an opportunity to observe and analyze some of the many ploys used to further its subversive agenda.


  1. “Gay men with AIDS interviewed in the early 1980’s reported had on average 1,100 partners in their lifetimes and some had had many more.” (Robert T. Michael, et al. Sex in America: A Definitive Survey (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1994), p. 209, in TFP Committee on American Issues, Defending A Higher Law – Why We Must Resist Same-Sex “Marriage” and the Homosexual Movement, (Spring Grove, The American Society For The Defense of Tradition, Family And Property—TFP, 2004), pp. 109-110.
  2. Task Force responds to reports of arrest of Idaho Sen. Larry Craig, opponent of same-sex marriage, related to ‘lewd conduct’, August 27, 2007, http://thetaskforce.org/press/releases/prMF_082707
  3. Id. ibid. (emphasis added).
  4. Cf. Gays protest Fort Lauderdale mayor’s remarks, http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/08/08/fort.lauderdale.mayor/index.html, http://www.findinternettv.com/Video,item,3918059818.aspx.
  5. “Woe to the world because of scandals …. woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh.” (Matt. 18:7).

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