Carrying a Big Stick

Carrying a Big Stick 1

Of all the world’s problematic regimes, North Korea certainly ranks among the worst. This has been manifested recently in their tests of long-range missiles and nuclear arms, both of which are forbidden under current agreements with the rogue nation. On a more personal note, the recent arrest and sentencing of American journalists Laura … Read more

The Pro-Abortion Movement’s Best Kept Secret

The Pro-Abortion Movement’s Best Kept Secret 2

In the wake of George Tiller’s killing, many pundits and pro-abortionists have tried to project the shadow of his assassination onto the entire pro-life movement. A June 2 Associated Press (AP) article titled: “Suspect in doctor killing railed against abortion” exemplifies the attempt. Although the AP professes to be an unbiased news … Read more

Is the Media Blind to Huge Traditional Marriage Rallies?

Is the Media Blind to Huge Traditional Marriage Rallies? 4

Thousands gathered on the east steps of the New York State Capitol building in Albany on Tuesday morning to defend the traditional marriage and oppose measures seeking to legalize same-sex “marriage” in the Empire State.The “Stand for Marriage” rally, organized by New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, attracted throngs of New Yorkers who, … Read more

Keeping the Military Free

Keeping the Military Free 2

If anyone should know how to run the military, it is those who have years of experience at leading men at every echelon in both peace and war. It is these proud Americans who have served our country with honor who are now petitioning the President and members of Congress to keep … Read more

Reflections on Ten Years of Struggle Against Nazism

Reflections on Ten Years of Struggle Against Nazism 3

As a tribute to the fiftieth anniversary of Revolution and Counter-Revolution — the bedside book of TFP members worldwide — the American TFP is happy to publish this first English translation of a May 13, 1945 Legionário article by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. In this article titled “Reflections on Ten Years … Read more

Le Monde, The Largest French Newspaper, Responds to Massive TFP Protest: “These Lambs of God Can Bite”

Le Monde, The Largest French Newspaper, Responds to Massive TFP Protest: “These Lambs of God Can Bite” 1

When the largest French newspaper Le Monde published a blasphemous cartoon ridiculing Our Lord Jesus Christ and spewing hatred against the Pope, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign asked its friends and supporters to protest. The newspaper hardly expected the … Read more

Liberal Media Lynching of Archbishop Cardoso Sobrinho

Liberal Media Lynching of Archbishop Cardoso Sobrinho 1

The archbishop of Recife and Olinda, Brazil, Most Rev. José Cardoso Sobrinho, is being lynched in a worldwide media uproar. This outcry is fueled by a bizarre coalition of abortionists, liberals and otherwise rash talking heads who do not know what they are talking about. Unfortunately, some French and Italian bishops have … Read more

No More “Queer Film Festivals” at Notre Dame

No More “Queer Film Festivals” at Notre Dame 1

Prayer and peaceful protest have once again proven to be successful. According to an article in The Observer dated February 16, by pro-homosexual activist Tom O’Neil, “not only will there be no gay film festival this year [at the University of Notre Dame], it’s probably kaput for good.” Starting in 2004, homosexual … Read more

The Sunset of Darwinism

The Sunset of Darwinism 1

Praised until recently as dogma, Darwin’s theory of evolution is now fading away, discredited by the same science that bore its poisoned fruit. Instead, the Christian vision of a supernatural design is being increasingly affirmed. “Evolution is now a datum proven beyond any reasonable doubt and no longer a theory, it’s not … Read more