Mayday for Marriage

On Friday, October 15, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property joined together with tens of thousands of concerned Americans on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. to voice their repudiation of same-sex “marriage.” The event, titled “Mayday for Marriage,” was sponsored by pastors in the Puget Sound-area of Washington State.

Particularly encouraging about the rally was the distance participants traveled to attend. Several bus loads came from as far as California and Washington to attend.

The impressive list of guest speakers included former US Ambassador Alan Keyes, Mr. Tony Perkins of Family Research Council and Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family.

Ambassador Keyes challenged the audience to realize that nowhere in the Constitution does it promote the idea that morality should be divorced from politics, while others made reference to the existence of a divinely-instituted natural law that must be followed.

To finish the three-hour event, former Seattle Seahawk linebacker and organizer of the Mayday for Marriage rally, Ken Hutcherson of Redmond, Wash. delivered enthusiastic words of encouragement, and urged attendants to pray for the upcoming elections.

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