Photo: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Starting this spring, Villanova University near Philadelphia adopted “inclusive language” that promotes “transgenderism.” It calls itself a Catholic university. Founded and run by the Augustinian order, Fr. Peter M. Donohue, OSA, PhD. is the current president.
Its Mission Statement reads: “Villanova University is a Catholic Augustinian community of higher education, committed to excellence and distinction in the discovery, dissemination and application of knowledge. Inspired by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, the University is grounded in the wisdom of the Catholic intellectual tradition and advances a deeper understanding of the relationship between faith and reason.”1
Last August, the university issued a new guide titled “Gender Inclusive Practices Guide,” which reads:
“Be intentional about how you introduce yourself and address others. This includes using gender-inclusive language like ‘everyone,’ ‘people,’ or ’folks’ rather than gender binary language like ‘ladies and gentlemen.’”
It further says: “This guide introduces Villanova faculty and staff to best practices for being gender inclusive in our work spaces, laboratories, and classrooms—especially for those who identify within transgender, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, and/or gender questioning communities. How can we cultivate gender-inclusive teaching and work environments? How can we invite full participation from people of all genders and respond to the harmful effects of gender stereotyping or misgendering?”2
“Transgenderism,” a Scientific Impossibility
This change of language to encourage “transgenderism” is absurd (especially in a university claiming to be Catholic), but it also clashes with scientific data.
Indeed, sex reassignment is a scientific impossibility. Through surgery and hormone treatments, one can be made to look like the opposite sex. However, despite the externals, both men and women retain the sex of their birth, which is determined by their chromosomes, not whims or fantasies.
Eternal and Natural Law: The Foundation of Morals and Law
The National Human Genome Research Institute is entirely clear in this matter: “A sex chromosome is a type of chromosome involved in sex determination. Humans and most other mammals have two sex chromosomes, X and Y, that in combination determine the sex of an individual. Females have two X chromosomes in their cells, while males have one X and one Y.”3
Michelle Cretella, M.D., president of the American College of Pediatricians, explains: “Sex is determined at conception by our DNA and is stamped into every cell of our bodies. Human sexuality is binary. You either have a normal Y chromosome, and develop into a male, or you don’t, and you will develop into a female. There are at least 6,500 genetic differences between men and women. Hormones and surgery cannot change this.”4
Rare cases of sexual organ deformation can be corrected licitly by hormones or surgery. However, that is to correct a disorder, not to change a person’s sex.
A university that boasts of being a “community of higher education, committed to excellence in the discovery, dissemination and application of knowledge” should at least respect scientific data. Its denial of evidence and science can only be explained by ideological or religious reasons.
A Sin of Revolt against God
Any attempt to change one’s sex (at any rate, bound to fail) signals revolt against God, Who created us male or female.5 In His wisdom, God did what was best for every individual, man or woman, to give Him glory in the condition He determined.
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Fr. Terrance Chartier of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate underlines the moral gravity of transgenderist ideology and its implementation:
“As an ideology, [transgenderism] contradicts natural law and divine revelation, so to affirm it would be sinful, would be actually a sin against the First Commandment, so a sin against the virtue of faith, against the divinely revealed truth about human sexuality.”
He adds that “sex change” is also a sin against the Fifth Commandment when it involves mutilations or ingesting drugs; against the Eighth, for lying to others, by appearing as one sex when one is of the opposite sex.6
A Pro-homosexual Catholic University
Villanova University’s stance supporting homosexuality was already notorious before imposing “inclusive language.”
In a section titled LGBTQIA+ RESOURCES, its website states: “As a Catholic university, Villanova respects the dignity and sacredness of each person.”
Just what is that “dignity” and “sacredness”?
In this context, the statement appears to refer to people who take pride in the sin against nature since that section is followed by a sub-section dedicated to a group within the university that participates in homosexual “pride” parades. It reads:
“V[illanova] U[niversity] Pride is a group of students, faculty, and staff working together to foster awareness and celebration of LGBTQIA+ identities on campus.”7
Heretical Religious Motivation
In its Mission Statement, Villanova University affirms that its activities are “inspired by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.”8
However, by promoting homosexuality, the university preaches and does the opposite of the Divine Master’s most pure life and teaching.
One can only explain this contradiction if the university’s conception of “the life and teaching of Jesus Christ” are against perennial Church teaching based on the Scriptures, Tradition and the natural law. In short, it is based on a heretical religious motivation.
10 Razones Por las Cuales el “Matrimonio” Homosexual es Dañino y tiene que Ser Desaprobado
Heresy appears clearly in the commentary contained in the Statement Affirming LGBTQ+ Villanovans on the Villanova University website:
“We as students, faculty and staff of Villanova University are dismayed by the recent statement from the Vatican that names same-sex unions as a ‘sin.’…It is especially hurtful considering the Catholic Church’s longstanding exclusion of LGBTQ+ people.”9
For his part, in a message to the members of the Villanova Community, University President Fr. Peter M. Donohue, OSA, affirms the same heresy.
He begins by showing solidarity with homosexuals facing a Vatican statement that supposedly jeopardized their safety by claiming that same-sex “marriage” is sinful:
“There is another community today feeling hurt and invalidated. A recent Vatican statement has left members of the LGBTQAI+ community and their allies at Villanova wondering whether their place on campus is safe and secure. Without equivocation, Villanova affirms that all people are welcomed on our campus, especially those who suffer from exclusion.”
He further states that he believes the homosexual community has intrinsic value, negating the Catholic doctrine that homosexuality is sinful:
“We believe deeply in the humanity and intrinsic worth of the LGBTQAI+ community.”10
“A Prayer for All Marriages”
Rather than consider the act against nature a sin, this heresy affirms it is a reason for pride. The said Statement Affirming LGBTQ+ Villanovans ends with a prayer for all “marriages,” including adulterous and so-called “same-sex marriage”:
“A Prayer for All Marriages
Loving God,
“… We thank You for all the different types of marriages in our world:
young couples beginning a life together, as well as couples celebrating decades of love, re-married couples and those who found each other later in life, couples whose marriages are recognized by our state and our Church, and same-sex couples who are denied that recognition
but who continue to bravely model love and commitment in the face of discrimination.
… We ask You to pour Your blessings onto every marriage regardless of gender or sexual orientation.”11
Francis’s Support of Homosexuality and Transgenderism
Sadly, this heresy is favored by those obliged before God and the Church to condemn error and reject sin.
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Indeed, from the beginning of his pontificate, Francis has shown sympathy for homosexuality and transgenderism through acts, gestures, attitudes and omissions.
The most spectacular of these manifestations happened in 2015. He invited two women to come and visit him. One of them, having undergone surgery and used hormones, presented herself as a man, and the other as a woman, supposedly “his wife.” A photograph of the Vatican meeting was published throughout the world.
Later, on October 2, 2016, the Argentine Pope told this story to journalists on the plane returning from Baku, Azerbaijan to Rome. He said a Spaniard wrote him saying she was a woman who had become a man and married and would like him to receive them. Francis most naturally referred to the “transgender” woman as “he” as if she were a man, and to the other person as “his wife”:
“Then (the man) got married, he changed his civil identity, got married and wrote me a letter saying that for him it would be a consolation to come with his wife, he who was she, but him! I received them.”12
Homosexual Heresy and Transgender Dictatorship
Like the homosexual movement, transgenderism (a part of the movement) attempts to force everyone to accept a deviant lifestyle and prevent any criticism of it. This is done through legislation, regulation or pressure from public opinion.
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The case of Villanova University shows how this dictatorship advances. In Catholic environments, this dictatorship would be unfeasible without Francis’ support of the movement. It now imposes itself using religious motives. History has shown that religious motivation is an extremely powerful force, even when heretical.
Never be discouraged
However, this terrible crisis spreading in society and, above all, in the Church must not discourage us.
Confident in the Immaculate Virgin, let us continue fighting this dictatorship using every peaceful and legal means to unmask the error and evil it strives to impose.
The Church has weathered other storms.
- https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/president/about_university/mission.html 9/7/22
- Gender Inclusive Practices Guide, https://www1.villanova.edu/content/dam/villanova/vital/pdfs/genderinclusivepracticesvu0822.pdf 9/5/22
- National Human Genome Research Institute, “Sex Chromosome,” updated: September 12, 2022. https://www.genome.gov/genetics-glossary/Sex-Chromosome 10/9/22
- Michelle Cretella, “I’m a Pediatrician. Here’s What I Did When a Little Boy Patient Said He Was a Girl,” Intellectual Takeout, December 11, 2017. https://intellectualtakeout.org/2017/12/im-a-pediatrician-heres-what-i-did-when-a-little-boy-patient-said-he-was-a-girl/. 9/12/2022 11:18 AM
- “He (God) created them male and female.” Genesis: 5:2.
- Transgenderism is a sin against at least four of the Ten Commandments: Franciscan priest,. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/transgenderism-is-a-sin-against-at-least-four-of-the-ten-commandments-franciscan-priest/ 9/11/22
- LGBTQIA+ RESOURCES. https://www1.villanova.edu/content/university/student-life/intercultural-affairs/lgbtqia.html 9/7/22
- Mission Statement, https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/president/about_university/mission.html
- Statement Affirming LGBTQ+ Villanovans LGBTQIA+ RESOURCES. https://www1.villanova.edu/content/university/student-life/intercultural-affairs/lgbtqia.html 9/7/22
- An Antiracist Campus Community: A Message from Peter M. Donohue, OSA, Ph.D., March 19, 2021. https://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/president/speeches/antiracist.html 9/12/2022 4:14 PM
- Statement Affirming LGBTQ+ Villanovans cit.
- Full text: Pope Francis’ in-flight press conference from Azerbaijan. Catholic News Agency. https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/34671/full-text-pope-francis-in-flight-press-conference-from-azerbaijan 9/13/2022 5:38 PM; Pope Francis calls woman with sex-change operation a ‘man’ and calls partners ‘married.’ https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pope-francis-calls-woman-with-sex-change-operation-a-man-and-calls-partners/ 9/10/22.