NO! to the Blasphemous “Jesus” Doll!

NO! to the Blasphemous “Jesus” Doll! 1

NO! to the Blasphemous “Jesus” Doll! Outraged Catholics braved low temperatures and fierce winds as they lined Mall Street on March 21at the main entrance to the King of Prussia Mall in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania to protest a blasphemous “dress-up Jesus” doll sold by Urban Outfitters. Since the protest, the retailer … Read more

Taking Our Lord’s Side in Madison

Taking Our Lord’s Side in Madison 2

Catholics turned out and protested Terrence McNally’s blasphemous play, Corpus Christi, on Friday night, March 5, in Madison, Wisconsin at the Bartell Theatre. The play presents Our Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles as homosexuals, and highlights a love affair between Our Lord and Judas. Protesters came from as far away as … Read more

No Peace on Earth

No Peace on Earth

The Christmas season, normally a tranquil time in which Catholics gather to celebrate the birth of Christ, has become the stage for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to attack the Blessed Mother. PETA’s onslaught began with a Providence, Rhode Island billboard that depicts a traditional image of the Blessed … Read more

Dispelling Fear at Washburn University

Dispelling Fear at Washburn University 3

At Washburn University in Topeka, Kans., the Campus “Beautification” Committee recently placed a blasphemous sculpture outside the student union. The sculpture, titled “Holier than Thou,” depicts the bust of a bishop with a fat, cruel and ugly face. The miter he wears resembles a phallic symbol. In a caption beneath, sculptor Jerry … Read more

Fiction that Offends!

The BBC News reports that ABC reporter Elizabeth Vargas concedes her network’s one-hour “exploration” of whether Jesus Christ had a wife is going to offend people. However, this will not stop the November 3 screening. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its American Needs Fatima … Read more

Madness in Madison

Madness in Madison 2

""""[vc_column_text] URGENT ACTION REQUESTED! It has been six long years since playwright Terrence McNally first staged his play Corpus Christi in New York City. Since then, the work, which portrays Our Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles as homosexuals, has generated protests, local indignation and negative publicity at alternative theaters. Thousands of … Read more

Adding Fuel to the Fire

Adding Fuel to the Fire 2

In the supercharged atmosphere of the abuse scandals, Peter Mullan’s film The Magdalene Sisters is a sensationalist melodrama that only adds fuel to the fire. The film has just been released nationwide and the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) with its America Needs Fatima campaign is … Read more

Rekindling the Controversy

Rekindling the Controversy 2

It seems Alma Lopez is at it again. When her computer collage titled “Our Lady” appeared at Santa Fe’s Museum of International Folk Art in February of 2001, it unleashed a wave of controversy that even now divides the city. Press reports described the “art” exhibit as a floral bikini-clad Virgin of … Read more

Being Effective in Cincinnati

Being Effective in Cincinnati 2

One of the surest signs of a successful blasphemy protest is the presence of a counter-protest. The offending parties seem to be saying that protesters are so important that they cannot afford to ignore them. It was hard to ignore the scores of Catholics who braved the rainy weather to pray and … Read more

Catholics Confront Boston Blasphemy

Catholics Confront Boston Blasphemy 2

On May 16, twelve members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property left their home in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania. Their destination: the Kresge Little Theater at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Their purpose: hold a 2-1/2 hour rally, in protest against the play, The Most Fabulous … Read more