The Christmas season, normally a tranquil time in which Catholics gather to celebrate the birth of Christ, has become the stage for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to attack the Blessed Mother.
PETA’s onslaught began with a Providence, Rhode Island billboard that depicts a traditional image of the Blessed Virgin holding a dead chicken with a caption reading: “Go vegetarian, it’s an Immaculate Conception.” The group is planning to continue their campaign by putting similar billboards in cities across the nation. (The billboard can be seen on PETA’s website at: http://www.peta.org)
According to a PETA press release the group decided to launch its campaign in Rhode Island because it is the most Catholic state in the union. “I find PETA’s decision to offend the Blessed Virgin in the nation’s most Catholic state extremely offensive,” said TFP Web Editor John Horvat II. “In light of this American Catholics must react, that is why the TFP is activating our network of activists to protest this blasphemy.”
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The TFP email campaign will be directed against PETA as well as Murray Outdoor Communications that rented the billboard space to PETA.
Mr. Horvat chose December 8, feast of the Immaculate Conception, to launch the e-protest. “Since this blasphemy is directed against the Blessed Virgin and specifically against the Immaculate Conception, I can think of no better way to honor Our Lady than to stand up for her on her feast.”
Others are troubled that the proponents of blasphemy are capitalizing on Christmas, traditionally a time of peace. “Peace is defined by St. Thomas Aquinas as the tranquility of order,” said James Miller of TFP Student Action. “Therefore order is a prerequisite for peace. Until order is reestablished on earth, I guess we will see no peace on earth, even during Christmastime.”
Note: Murray Outdoor Communications has decided to remove the offensive billboard. However, you can still send your protest emails to PETA.