Each year, the radical leftist War on Christmas intensifies, turning the joyous occasion of Our Savior’s birth into a battle for our right to celebrate His birth. This December, America Needs Fatima fought back, promoting over 1,000 Rosary Rallies to keep Christ in Christmas nationwide.
Testimonials from Rally Captains
On Christmas Day, God gave His son Jesus to us. He did this out of love for us because He “so loved the world” (John 3:16). There is no Christmas without Christ, a day that commemorates this act of pure, divine love.
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Our Rally Captains defended the Infant Jesus against atheists, blasphemers and radical leftists with public displays of prayer, reminding their communities of the true meaning of Christmas in the hope that it could help lead our nation back to God.
Here are a few testimonials from the over a thousand rallies that swept the nation:

“It is a blessing to pray together with Our Lady, the Angels, the saints, and other brothers and sisters. Praise Be Jesus and Mary Always and Forever!”
“Our Lord and Our Lady of Fatima were with us.”
“Christmas is about Christ and Innocence. Stop blaspheming it with drag. We had a couple of attacks, but we continued praying. Planned Parenthood was also there, getting signatures from people. So I decided to put up my Pro-Life posters.”

“We are so pleased to report a successful rally of 59 souls in attendance despite the cold and blustery wind.”
“Blessings to all of you! I signed up to do a Rosary Rally to keep Christ in Christmas, and when the banner came the more I wanted to do it in a hurry! Although it was moderately drizzling, we were so full of joy because we knew we are doing it for Jesus Christ! This is the least we can do: pray the Holy Rosary to ask our Blessed Mother Mary to change people’s hearts so that we may obtain mercy from God… We received plenty of thumbs up and honks. I pray for more Rosary Rallies to remind, inspire, bring hope, and encourage people to pray many rosaries each day. May God, Jesus and our Blessed Mary keep us all safe.”

“We held a Rosary Rally in Zion, Illinois. People approached us asking questions, which gave us much happiness to answer their questions through the light of our Mother Virgin Mary.”
“Awesome day. Had 8 of us here. More praying and uniting their prayers with ours. Blessings.”

“We had 14 faithful participating, in spite of four inches of fresh snow and a cold wind. The sun was setting as people were streaming in for the 5 p.m. mass. Had the weather been more favorable, I believe we would have had many more. Following the Mass, our parish had a live Nativity with animals. People could drive through the parking lot to see or stop and enjoy hot cocoa and cookies.”
“It was a great honor to be able to participate in this beautiful event! We had such an enthusiastic group of people here in Austin, Texas. May God bless you!”

The True Meaning of Christmas
From blasphemy to commercialization to outright protest, secular society has aggressively worked to distort and destroy the true meaning of Christmas. But our brave Rally Captains won’t let that happen.
Through their courageous public displays of prayer, our Rally Captains help bring Christmas’s gravity, serenity, and peace back into focus. On that day, Our Lord Jesus Christ was with us. He lived among us and walked the earth beside us, experiencing all the possible joys and sufferings human beings can face.
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And He remains with us, even after He ascended into heaven. In the works of devoted Catholics like our Rally Captains, we get to feel the power and presence of Christ’s love.
We may never know in this life how many souls we touch with our Rosary Rallies. Judging from the public’s reception, many souls were inspired by our action and perhaps the seeds of faith were planted in them.
If you would like to join the America Needs Fatima Public Square Rosary Rally campaign, sign up today to become a Rally Captain. Our Rosary Rallies for Life are just around the corner, and we’d love to have you join us. CLICK HERE to hold a Pro-Life Rosary Rally in your community now.