Cry For Argentina

Cry For Argentina 2

Evita Peron once said, “One cannot accomplish anything without fanaticism.” If fanaticism can be defined as enthusiasm not guided by principles, then it appears that today’s Argentina is following in Evita’s footsteps. Its president, Cristina Kirchner, has just taken the fanatically and unprincipled move of stealing the majority stake in the country’s … Read more

What I Saw at Occupy Wall Street

What I Saw at Occupy Wall Street 2

Soon after entering the protest perimeter at Zuccotti Park a piece of communist propaganda was thrust into my hand. The flier starts: “It’s not just Wall Street… capitalism must be destroyed.” As I continued reading, other lines jumped off the page: “Only communism can live up to the aspirations the Occupy Wall … Read more

American Hand Gun Owners Seek Vatican Recognition

American Hand Gun Owners Seek Vatican Recognition

The right to life of the unborn and that of legitimate self-defense can be seen as two sides of the same coin. Whereas the former is constantly under the spotlight, the latter is not. A recent event in Rome sponsored by the Saint Gabriel Possenti Society, Inc., sought to bridge this gap. … Read more