Is Hell Really A Deterrent To Crime?

Is Hell Really A Deterrent To Crime? 2

A recent study by psychology Professor Azim F. Shariff from the University of Oregon, supports in part what the Catholic Church has been teaching for the last 2,000 years about justice and Hell. Professor Shariff made a comprehensive analysis of 26 years of data involving 143,197 people from 67 countries and discovered … Read more

National and International Elites

National and International Elites 4

People who excel at the national level form the elite of a nation. It is composed of exceptional figures of that nation who are representative of its highest sectors of activity and who have corresponding relationships. For example, such an interrelation is manifested when a president invites outstanding figures in the fields … Read more

A Sobering Surprise on Fifth Avenue

A Sobering Surprise on Fifth Avenue 2

People began to enter the downtown New York City building at 7:30 in the morning, but by 11:30 a massive snake-like-line of people was so large, some got a bit frustrated and wondered if it was worth the wait, yet none left their spot. I overheard one very worldly and irritated looking businesswoman comment … Read more

Who Do the “Occupy Fort Benning” Protesters Represent? Unmasking the 0.99%

Who Do the "Occupy Fort Benning" Protesters Represent? Unmasking the 0.99% 2

""""[vc_column_text]Who Do the “Occupy Fort Benning” Protesters Represent? Unmasking the 0.99% For over twenty years, pacifist protesters have gathered at Fort Benning in mid-November to oppose the activities of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (formerly called the School of the Americas) and demand its closure. The protesters are even invited … Read more

Rosary Rallies “Occupy” 7,500 Public Squares – and Go Unreported

Rosary Rallies “Occupy” 7,500 Public Squares – and Go Unreported 2

""""[vc_column_text]As many as 200,000 Americans took to the streets on October 15 and “occupied” thousands of public squares nationwide to voice their concerns about the nation’s future. Such an outpouring of public sentiment should have been enough to attract the attention of any decent media. However, that was not the case. These … Read more

Join a Public Square Rosary Rally on Saturday!

Join a Public Square Rosary Rally on Saturday!

          Where will you be on Saturday, October 15? We invite you to pray for our nation in the public square this Saturday. Here are the details. Who?  You, your family and friends. What?  Praying a rosary in the public square. When?  12:00 p.m., Saturday, October 15, 2011. … Read more

What the Popes Have to Say About Socialism

The Holy Spirit and the Next Conclave 6

Anyone who examines the ideology of socialism will see the contrast between the socialist doctrine and the doctrine of the Church.All the same, it is not out of place to review the condemnation of the popes starting with Pius IX and ending with Benedict XVI. Thus, we present what the popes have … Read more

An Appeal for Insistence – 2010

An Appeal for Insistence - 2010 1

On the occasion of the 37th annual March for Life, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins once again the legions of Americans nationwide who oppose abortion. For those who have long fought this important battle, the word “again” painfully stands out. Every year we protest, … Read more