Rural Areas and Small Towns are not Exempt from the Left’s Gender Identity Deceptions

Rural Areas and Small Towns are not Exempt from the Left’s Gender Identity Deceptions

The dangers of the modern enthusiasm for the Transgender Revolution are nothing new. Nor is its effect upon educational systems nationwide. Many public school systems deliberately conceal essential information about students’ “gender identities” from their parents. A Common Misunderstanding However, many people believe that this condition exists primarily in liberal-dominated “blue states” … Read more

When Brave Christians React, Pronoun Tyrants Retreat

When Brave Christians React, Pronoun Tyrants Retreat

Americans can resist those who try to impose gender confusion on society. That is the conclusion flowing from two crucial decisions by judges in Iowa and Florida. In the Iowa case, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals found that the First Amendment protects students who refuse to use “preferred pronouns” at school. … Read more

Richard Dawkins Follows the Science and Rejects the Transgender Illusion

Richard Dawkins Follows the Science and Rejects the Transgender Illusion

“An atheist is an egalitarian who, to avoid the absurdity of affirming that Man is God, commits the absurdity of declaring that God does not exist.” This description, provided by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira in his Revolution and Counter-Revolution, aptly applies to the famous biologist Richard Dawkins. Dr. Dawkins is a self-described … Read more

Italy Faces the Threat of an LGBTQ Dictatorship

Italy Faces the Threat of an LGBTQ Dictatorship

In a few weeks, I could go to jail for what I’m about to write. The Italian Parliament is presently discussing the Zan Bill (introduced by Member of Parliament (MP) Alessandro Zan), also known as the Zan-Scalfarotto Bill (from MP Ivan Scalfarotto, author of the first draft). Both are members of the … Read more

How the Pandemic Response Contradicts the LGBT Agenda

How the Pandemic Response Contradicts the LGBT Agenda

There’s nothing like a reality check. With the COVID-19 pandemic now retreating, a period of reflection begins. Can we learn anything from what happened? Among the lessons of this Chinese virus, one will cause much discussion. That lesson is that contrary to what the LGBT lobby says, men and women are not … Read more

This is the “Girlification” of the Boy Scouts

This is the “Girlification” of the Boy Scouts

Nobody is really fooled by the latest policy shift of the Boy Scouts of America that will allow membership of girls. The announcement was packaged as a way to provide “more options for parents” who want a single site providing activities for all their children. However, everyone knows the move is just … Read more

Self-Unidentifying: The Craze to be Nobody

Self-Unidentifying: The Craze to be Nobody 2

Just when you think you understand the crazy world of political correctness, somebody comes and messes everything up. It used to be, for example, that you could simply “self-identify” as someone you are not, yet desire to be. Now, in the municipal offices of the Colombian city of Cali, the opposite is … Read more

Answering a Troubling Question: Man, Woman, or Whatever?

Answering a Troubling Question: Man, Woman, or Whatever?

A friend of mine recently rejoiced because he had finally found a job after being unemployed for a few months. It was an engineering job with a good company comparable to the one he had before. However, there was one thing about the final interview that bothered him. He was asked: “What … Read more

Why Do the Liberal Activists Rage?

Why Do the Liberal Activists Rage? 3

So many of the moral issues that polarize the nation are now having legal consequences. Liberal activists insist upon forcing acceptance down the throats of countless Americans who disagree. The violence of this forced acceptance is something unseen in American history. Photographers, florists, bed & breakfast owners, and bakers who refused to … Read more