Under the Ultramontane Banner, Clergy and Laity Win a Victory in the French Senate

Under the Ultramontane Banner, Clergy and Laity Win a Victory in the French Senate

The government’s unjust and unwise lawsuits against Catholics who criticized the National University System (called “the University”) strengthened the position of the Catholic Party in nineteenth-century France. The University’s supporters decided to go all out to end the resistance to their teaching monopoly. Their short-term goal was to obtain the Assembly’s approval … Read more

After the French Revolution and Napoleon, French Catholic Leaders Emerge in the Nineteenth Century

After the French Revolution and Napoleon, French Catholic Leaders Emerge in the Nineteenth Century

In the first chapter of his book, Des interêts catholiques au dix-neuvième siècle (Catholic Interests in the Nineteenth Century), describing the situation of the Church in 1800, the Count of Montalembert saw ruins and persecutions everywhere. In that vast shipwreck, he did not see the slightest sign that would justify any hope … Read more

Notre Dame’s Rebuilding Touches France to the Core

Notre Dame’s Rebuilding Touches France to the Core

Something about Notre Dame Cathedral overwhelms and fascinates the postmodern mind. Even in its present damaged state, the charred building commands the world’s attention. The cathedral’s authenticity prevailed over all attempts to disfigure it with a restoration of brutal modernistic redesigns. When the spire and roof burned and collapsed on that fateful … Read more

A Symbolic Knife Attack Announces the Decapitation of the West

A Symbolic Knife Attack Announces the Decapitation of the West

Two bloody beheadings by Islamic militants in France shocked the world. The French government and the media are trying to frame the attacks as only the work of isolated fanatics exposed to radicalized Islam. Such an evaluation is a mistake. Something more ominous is contained in these ghastly deeds. The crimes sent … Read more

Why Conservatives Should Not Attack the “Establishment”

Why Conservatives Should Not Attack the “Establishment” 1

In the 2016 presidential election cycle, no single group, not even President Obama, has been the object of more contempt than “the establishment.” Nearly every candidate of both parties has attacked his or her rivals for supposedly belonging to the “establishment” while vehemently denying ever having belonged to it themselves. Large numbers … Read more

Remembering Mr. Jeremiah Wells

Remembering Mr. Jeremiah Wells 1

Members of the American TFP mourn the passing of Mr. Jeremiah Wells on January 11, 2016. Anyone who knew him would agree he was a man who lived a life worthy of a book. It is therefore fitting to take at least a glimpse at the colorful life of this atypical Catholic … Read more

Three Faces of the Revolution

Three Faces of the Revolution 1

As we have demonstrated so many times, the Protestant Revolt of the sixteenth century, the French Revolution, and the Communist Revolution constitute the three phases of the same immense movement, united in spirit, objectives and even methods. By analyzing the faces of three great leaders of the Revolution, we will seek to … Read more

America’s Native Spirit

America’s Native Spirit 2

It might appear to a casual observer that the United States is not a country where one would find a healthy regionalism. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the Bluegrass State which is commonly seen merely as the home of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Those who see it this way might be … Read more