The Challenges We Face – 2002

""""[vc_column_text]Since September 11, the winds of war have swept the nation, reawakening in Americans a healthy sense of unity and patriotism. We have united around a common cause, focusing with heroic and white-hot resolve on defeating an elusive enemy. In our intense desire for justice and in response to fears of further … Read more

TFP Responds to President Bush’s Statement on Embryonic Stem Cell Research

TFP Responds to President Bush's Statement on Embryonic Stem Cell Research

In an August 11 statement, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) criticized President Bush’s recent statement on federally funded embryonic stem cell research on existing stem cell lines. It qualified the compromise as a decision that has opened “a veritable Pandora’s box of moral, ethical and … Read more

Marching with Greater Expectations

Marching with Greater Expectations 2

There was something different about the March for Life 2001 in Washington D.C. this January 22. It was not the fact that the 27th such march held on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade attracted an especially large crowd of well over 120,000 marchers from all over the country. Nor was it … Read more

Great Expectations: Hope for the New Millennium – 2001

This year’s March for Life begins in an atmosphere of cautious optimism and great expectations. We do not wish to see this emerging century follow in the blood-stained footsteps of the last. After the long and harsh pro-abortion winter suffered for the past eight years, we hope for a thaw with the … Read more

A Milestone and a Crossroads – 2000

As we begin the year 2000, the contrast with the early years of the twentieth century could not be more striking. The America of 1900 was a young, vibrant nation full of large healthy families and teeming with immigrants from all nations. It was an America inebriated with the dream of an … Read more

Let’s Be Consistent – 1999

Let's Be Consistent - 1999

On this, the twenty-sixth annual March for Life, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) commends you for your presence and your perseverance. We are here today to join you in a loud cry of protest on behalf of the innocent life of the unborn child — … Read more

Roe vs. Wade: A Quarter-Century of Lies – 1998

Roe vs. Wade: A Quarter-Century of Lies - 1998

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s infamous Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion on demand calls to mind the biggest pack of lies ever set in motion — lies that have cost the lives of more than 37 million innocent babies cruelly torn from their mothers’ wombs. How is it that … Read more

Is the Light of Reason Fading? – 1996 & 1997

The American TFP 10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage is Harmful - Free online version

The shocking nature of partial-birth abortion has inspired considerable indignation in sectors of public opinion that remain silent about the horror of more common methods of abortion, which claim more than 4,000 innocent lives each day. Abortion of any kind is sufficiently evil to demand our indignation. The very idea of a … Read more

Guaranteeing the Next Generation of Pro-Lifers – 1994

The American TFP 10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage is Harmful - Free online version

Imagine a baby born in 1973, the year of the Supreme Court’s infamous Roe v. Wade abortion edict. His mother – rejecting the unnatural sin that cries to heaven for vengeance – gave him life and nurtured it: the labors of her love. Escaping the destiny of prenatal death – the fate … Read more

Once Abortion Is Accepted, What Logical Arguments Can Be Used to Stop Infanticide, Euthanasia and Other Forms of Murder? – 1993

The American TFP 10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage is Harmful - Free online version

Logic has often been lacking in our contemporaries. Nevertheless, logic tells us that besides the murder carried out in the act of abortion there are other consequences. Not only is the mother affected for life, so is her family. Abortion creates conditions in the human mentality to relativize the crimes that come … Read more