On May 7, America Needs Fatima director Robert Ritchie and I were discussing the blasphemous nature of the “Heavenly Bodies” exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We also discussed how horrible the Met Gala opening night promised to be. We were horrified that sacred vestments on loan from the Vatican, some of them dating back to the eighteenth century, are to be on display together with indecent fashions of “Catholic” imagination.
Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines blasphemy as the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God. It also defines it as irreverence towards something considered sacred or inviolable. Holy Mother Church further qualifies blasphemy as one of the sins that cries out to Heaven for vengeance.
The Met Gala opening display had female celebrities and fashion designers dressing in ways that mock the Catholic Faith. All the while the largest collection of sacred vestments from the Vatican would be on display forming part of this blasphemous ensemble. The news would later report the sad fact that even Cardinal Dolan of New York was there attending the event.
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Can You Go?
“Something needs to be done,” Robert said. “Can you go?”
“To get to the museum on 5th Avenue in Manhattan by 6:00 pm, we will need to leave by one,” I replied. “I think we can do that.”
In this way, a small company of Mary traveled to the Met Gala to make public reparation and protest of the blasphemies being committed there.
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Upon arrival, we found police barricades that made it difficult to get close. However, we found a spot, unfurled our banners, pulled out our rosaries and the spiritual battle was on. We sang songs and chanted slogans in between the decades.
“Blasphemy! A sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance! Reparation! Reparation! Reparation!” we proclaimed. “This is a public act of reparation for the blasphemies being committed at the ‘Heavenly Bodies’ exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art!”

Reactions ranged from hostility to sympathy. Several who were not aware of the blasphemous event thanked us for being there.
Reliving the Passion of Our Lord
We were few due to the last minute nature of the protest. However, we were consoled thinking about the few who braved intense hostility to be with Our Lord on Mount Calvary: Our Lady, Saint John and Saint Mary Magdalene. For all history, their act of loyalty will be remembered with admiration and respect. They represented all those who wish to be faithful and console Our Lord when He is offended and reviled.
To all those who were horrified by the blasphemies at the Met Gala, we were there representing all who wished they could have been present, standing with Our Lady, Saint John and Saint Mary Magdalene to console Our Sacred Lord on Mount Calvary once again.
Join Public Rosary Rally of Reparation Against The Met’s Sacrilegious Exhibit
When: Saturday, June 9th
(Memorial of The Immaculate Heart of Mary)
at 12 Noon
Where: in front of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan
1000 5th Ave.
New York, N.Y. 10028
For more information, contact American Needs Fatima
at: (888) 317-5571 or e-mail: [email protected]