We are living in a world that accepts the unacceptable. One recent example is the 2023 Satancon held in Boston on April 28-30. This satanic gathering, hosted by The Satanic Temple, was billed as the “the largest in history.” Some 800 satanists attended.
The event was also promoted as a “weekend of blasphemy.” It included a workshop on how to turn an abortion into a satanic ritual, a satanic “marketplace,” “unbaptism ceremonies,” and a satanic “wedding chapel.”
This open mockery of the Church and Her sacraments is part of the satanic effort to mainstream their agenda into society and the public square.
A Reaction Against Satan and All His Works
The much-publicized event was held at the Marriot Hotel in the downtown of one of the nation’s largest cities. The complicit media streamed images of pentagrams, satanic statues, black costumes and cries of “Hail Satan.” The satanists did everything possible to make this event impossible to ignore.

Opposing this blasphemous program, protesters from all over the country converged on Boston to hold peaceful, powerful and prayerful Rosary rallies of reparation daily. The protest was a way to put into practice our Catholic baptismal vows to “reject Satan and all his works.”
The rallies were organized by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign. TFP members were joined by the TFP-staffed St. Louis de Montfort Academy students who enthusiastically participated and prayed. TFP Student Action live-streamed the rallies over its powerful channel.
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Scores of local Catholics attended the rallies. In addition to Massachusetts, protest participants came from South Carolina, Delaware, Florida, Texas, Virginia, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. During each rally, the attendees would pray the Rosary, the Litany of Our Lady, the Divine Praises and other prayers. In addition, the Academy band played Marian and patriotic hymns with drums, brass, fifes and bagpipes. Prayer warriors sang along.
The Clash Between the Sons of Light and Darkness
The contrast was stark. On one side were rosaries, hymns and a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima carried by TFP members wearing their distinctive ceremonial habits. On the other, there were curses, screams and pentagrams. All who passed by faced a clear choice between good and evil.
A sizable number expressed their support for the rallies. As we set up, for example, a pedestrian said, “TFP! Thank you for being here!” One woman joined us, saying, “I’ve always seen your videos but never had the opportunity to join you. Now I’m happy to finally come in person!”
Many drove by the scene honking and giving gestures of support. Unaware of the event, some passersby thanked us for standing up against this outrage. Some employees in a nearby shop repeatedly came in and out to catch a glimpse of the campaign. One police officer said, “If I wasn’t working right now, I’d be praying with you.” The next day, he arrived in civilian clothing to pray against satanism.
Hatred and “Tolerance”
Unfortunately, not everyone in Boston was so supportive.
The satanists at the Marriott Hotel expressed their anger in vile ways. Many cursed and vulgarly gestured as they passed in their cars. Others cynically mocked the prayer warriors. One satanist even yelled out, “The crusades are over! Go home!”
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Another protester held a sign that read, “God is love. God loves everyone, including satanists.” A short time before, one of his friends had passed by screaming, “God hates everyone.”
In addition to curses, the Catholics faced blasphemy. As the Catholics loudly sang “Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above,” one satanist mocked the hymn with his own perverse lyrics. The opposition even got physical when an enraged and cursing individual shoved a TFP member on the sidewalk.
Rally participants faced this type of conduct all weekend. Everyone realized that if satanism goes unopposed, this blasphemous behavior will become the “new normal.”
Public Sin Requires Public Protest
Indeed, public rallies of reparation, prayer and protest send a message that mocking God is unacceptable. God is given His rightful place of honor inside society and the public square.

If uncontested, satanists will be emboldened to ever more hideous acts of blasphemy. Such activities will spread their poison and contaminate everything.
Saint Catherine of Siena once said, “We’ve had enough exhortations to be silent… I see the world is rotten because of its silence.” Public sin demands public reparation and censure.
True Freedom Has No Place for Satan
Some try to reduce the debate to an expression of “religious freedom.” However, we must remember that true freedom consists of freedom from the slavery of sin. Like a strong drug, vice and depravity destroy the lives of individuals. Thus, the Catholic Church is the greatest defender of freedom, as she helps her members reject evil in every form.
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For the same reason, satanism is the greatest anti-freedom movement in existence. It deceives people by promoting every kind of depravity and vice. It has no right to corrupt people and put them on the path to perdition.
Our Victory Is Guaranteed
While the satanists held ceremonies where people repudiated their baptisms, the protesters affirmed their Baptismal vows to “renounce Satan and all his works.” The prayer warriors are consoled by the fact that their victory is guaranteed. Scripture describes Our Lady’s victory over the serpent: “I will place enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and hers, and she shall crush your head with her heel” (Gen. 3:15).