Five Reasons Why I Will Pray a Rosary of Reparation on December 12

Five Reasons Why I Will Pray a Rosary of Reparation on December 12
Five Reasons Why I Will Pray a Rosary of Reparation on December 12

Who would ever have thought that pagan Incan idols would be worshiped at the Vatican in Rome?

Yet, that is what happened over the course of the month-long Pan-Amazon Synod. It started in the Vatican Gardens on October 4, 2019. There was a ceremony with a ring of people, including one in a Franciscan habit, who prostrated themselves before statues of the “Pachamama,” an indecent naked and pregnant idol of the goddess of fertility representing “mother earth.” The Pachamama idols were given a place of honor at church ceremonies throughout the Synod, including in St. Peter’s Basilica. Multiple copies of the idols were placed in the Church of Santa Maria Transpontina in Rome for the Synod.

Such an outrage demands reparation! It demands faithful souls who can appear before God and the Blessed Mother to beg pardon for this denial of Church teaching and practice. Can you not spare a few minutes to offer a Rosary of Reparation this December 12? That day is the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of all the Americas.

In this article, I will give five reasons why I will participate in the hopes that they might inspire you to join in this vital act of reparation.

1.  Our Lady of Guadalupe Converted Millions From Idols Like Pachamama

Juan Diego first encountered Our Lady of Guadalupe on Tepeyac Hill (the former site of an Aztec temple) in 1531. The humble Aztec prince had never seen anything so beautiful. He followed her instructions, and the resulting action of Grace led to the conversion of millions of Indians who were freed from the worshipping of idols like Pachamama.

Join Us for a Rosary of Reparation for Idol Worship at the Vatican on December 12!

In our age, the Great Deceiver is trying to undo Our Lady of Guadalupe’s noble work and return people to the pagan worship of their distant ancestors. The Rosary is the potent weapon that the Blessed Mother gave us to fight against Satan. By praying this national Rosary of Reparation, we will help thwart his efforts.

2.  The Earth Is Not My Mother. The Blessed Virgin Is

This is an opportunity to act against those who worship the Earth and not the one true God. Everyone talks about saving the Earth but little about saving souls.

What might happen if we cared as much to gain souls for Our Lord as the Earth worshippers care about gaining recruits?

This rosary is a chance to declare my veneration of the Mother of Our Lord and Savior. It is my chance to show that I know that the Earth is merely the object that God created to give us a place to live as we strive to be more like Him. I will worship the Creator, not the creation.

Learn All About the Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our TimesFive Reasons Why I Will Pray a Rosary of Reparation on December 12

3.  I Am Disgusted by the People Who Tie Pachamama to Mary

Our Blessed Mother is the masterpiece of all of God’s creation. For generations, many have tried to deprive her of her unique position. One bishop said, “We all have different interpretations: the Virgin Mary, Mother Earth…women, fertility, life; Amazonia is meant to be full of life.”

I respectfully shout, “No, Your Excellency! This indecent and ugly pagan image has nothing to do with the purity and majesty of the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven and Earth!”

Join Us for a Rosary of Reparation for Idol Worship at the Vatican on December 12!

4.  I Am Praying for the Crisis Inside the Church

While I decry many of the actions of those who spread confusion inside the Church, I still revere and respect those in authority. Those prayers especially apply to the Successor of Saint Peter.

Thus, I will pray this Rosary of Reparation for the members of the hierarchy. May they return the Blessed Mother to her proper place in the Church.

5.  I Am Praying for the True Missionary Spirit of the Church

The Church was assigned a mission by our Divine Master. It was: “Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.” (Matt. 28:19-20)

Those instructions are plain. Our Lady of Guadalupe was an excellent example for us. She was the true missionary to the Indian populations. We must bring our families, communities and the entire world into the Catholic Faith. I pray we will recover our urgency for the task that Our Lord gave us.

Join Us for a Rosary of Reparation for Idol Worship at the Vatican on December 12!

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