Defending the Honor of Our Lady In Dallas

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Defending the Honor of Our Lady in DallasPeriodically there are theatrical productions that reveal an utter disregard for the Church and the Blessed Mother and must be protested. One example was the blasphemous play, “The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told,” which portrays Our Lady, who is the Immaculate Conception, as a lesbian. This play was showing from December 5-8 at the Dallas Kalita Humphreys Theater in Dallas, Texas.

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) considered it a great privilege to defend the honor of Our Lady on her traditional feast day and organized a protest against this blasphemy. Despite the extremely the bitter cold and icy conditions, several dozen brave Catholics attended the act of reparation, rosary in hand.

The showing coincided with a record ice storm that slammed the Dallas area, forcing the Dallas Kalita Humphreys Theater to cancel showings of the blasphemy on Friday and Saturday. However, the bad conditions did not prevent a showing on Sunday, December 8, the traditional feast of the Immaculate Conception. The intrepid group of protestors were neither hindered nor disheartened by the weather.

Dozens of protesters braved the cold to defend the honor of Our Lady. Many motorists honked in agreement.
Dozens of protesters braved the cold to defend the honor of Our Lady.

Many motorists honked in agreement.


First released in the late nineties, the play has long been protested by faithful Catholics. It is highly offensive as can be seen by statement of the playwright who stated in an interview that, “I wanted the Garden of Eden in Central Park, and Mary as a lesbian mother, which would certainly help me comprehend the Immaculate Conception.” (The New York Times, Dec. 6, 1998)

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