Catholics “Dodger” the Houston Astros on ‘Pride Night’

Catholics “Dodger” the Houston Astros on ‘Pride Night’
On June 20, the Houston Astros baseball team hosted their “pride night.”

On June 16, faithful Catholics made national headlines. Thousands showed up to protest the Los Angeles Dodgers, who gave a “citizen hero award” to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an anti-Catholic hate group. The massive protest showed the world that when Catholics unite against blasphemy, they are unstoppable.

However, the battle cannot stop there. Catholics need to fight sin anywhere it appears, not just on special occasions. Thankfully, some Catholics took this obligation to heart by organizing a sizable rally in Houston.

Another Baseball Blasphemy

On June 20, the Houston Astros baseball team hosted their own “pride night.” It would honor those promoting unnatural vice, and it deeply offended God.

Local Catholics realized they needed to do something about it. A Rosary Rally Captain called dozens of people and organized a public rosary.

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Over 130 Catholics attended the protest, including members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and Tradition, Family, Property-Louisiana. The protest prepared to “dodger” the Astros.

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They gathered directly across the street from Minute Maid Park, the Astros’ home field. As the fans entered the stadium, they were confronted with a banner that read, “The month of June belongs to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, not to homosexual ‘pride.’”

Of course, many pro-homosexual baseball fans did not like the demonstration. Curses and obscenities rang out across the street, many of which were unintelligible. Obscene gestures also made a few “not-so-surprising” appearances. Others simply scoffed at those making reparation for the offensive event.

However, the forces of good outnumbered any counter-demonstrations for the LGBTQ agenda. The sourness of this mob was overshadowed by the joy and vigor of the good.

The prayers of the rosary rang out, with Marian hymns between each decade. A TFP bagpiper and drummer played as the others sang along. Other prayers said include the Litany to the Sacred Heart, the Litany to Saint Michael, the Consecration Prayer to Mary and the Divine Praises.

Attendees brought with them images of Jesus and Mary, as well as signs that honored the Sacred Heart and denounced the sin of pride. As they passed, a number of cars honked in support, while passengers gave the group a thumbs-up.

Those present were all happy and excited to be there. In fact, when the hour-long rally concluded, many stayed to talk about what had just taken place. The conversations were lively, and some expressed their desire to do it again.

They had realized the importance of their rally, which showed the Astros that Catholics were offended and not afraid to act.

Halting the Leftist Train

As these rallies spread, companies and baseball teams will think twice before promoting the sin of pride.

Unfortunately, there is no shortage of evils to protest. For example, all but one Major League Baseball team hosts an annual “pride night.” Local libraries sponsor Drag Queen Story Hours, which often introduce pornographic books promoting gender ideology to toddlers. Even shopping centers feature pride displays during the month of June.

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All of these offenses will only be stopped when there is enough pious pushback. Catholics sent a message to the Dodgers. The recent protest sent it to the Astros. It must be done everywhere.

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