Habemus Papam!

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Letter to our newly elected Pope Benedict XVI

Tuesday April 19th, 2005


His Holiness
Pope Benedict XVI
Apostolic Palace
Vatican City

Your Holiness:

With deep emotion, the directors and members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property thank Divine Providence for Your Holiness’ ascension to the Chair of Peter.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary grant most special graces to Your Holiness and Her sovereign protection in your efforts as Vicar of Christ against the “dictatorship of relativism” into which our secularist world is fast sinking. And may your pontificate bring with it a rekindling of the faith in souls, a resurgence of Christendom, and a new springtime for the Catholic Church.

Assuring Your Holiness of the American TFP’s most filial devotion and humbly requesting the Apostolic Blessing, I remain,

      In Jesu et Maria,

Raymond E. Drake President
Raymond E. Drake

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