The Family in the Crossfire

The Family in the Crossfire 2

There is a war that is very little noted in the media. Like all modern wars, civil liberties and the lives of innocent bystanders, often small children, are at stake. However, this war is not in some faraway land. It takes place inside America itself and is a war upon the family, … Read more

Plato at the Union

Plato at the Union 1

The mediocre man has some notions about many things. By this, I mean he has vague and fluctuating notions which demand no effort to acquire or preserve. Whenever he wants to express his notions, he thinks he attains utter fulfillment by finding a showy word, or at least one that is not … Read more

Beyond The Digital Divide

A huge geo-social gorge has suddenly appeared on the nation’s political landscape, and nearly everyone is talking about it. This strange chasm unites politicians of all parties into demanding immediate action. Educators, too, have placed it high on their agenda. What is this yawning gash that must be bridged at all cost? … Read more

Flight from Temperance

Machines are ever more plentiful and useful, but something more important, more spiritual, is being lost One of the greatest influences of the Industrial Revolution on society was perhaps its ability to mechanize our lives. In a materialistic world, which adores speed, it seems only natural that matter and speed come together … Read more

A Medieval Castle in America

A Medieval Castle in America 2

Passing undulating rows of grapevines on either side of a steep driveway lined with cypress trees, the scene reminded me of a picture calendar I had seen of Tuscany, Italy. However, as I crested the hill, nothing I had ever seen before could match what I beheld atop this mountain. I was … Read more

Looking Upon a Nation Divided

Looking Upon a Nation Divided 2

No one questions the fact that America is now a nation divided. The 2004 elections served only to highlight a polarization that has been long in the making. What surprised many was the primary cause of this division. It was not wars, Medicare benefits or matters of self-interest that galvanized the country. … Read more

Regionalism, Tradition and Good Taste

Regionalism, Tradition and Good Taste 1

In the field of art, two equally erroneous extremes should be avoided. One is cosmopolitanism, which strives to establish only one art form for the whole world without considering the characteristics proper to each people and each region. The other is nationalism, which rejects any outside influence, even when legitimate and necessary, … Read more

Living to Work, or Working to Live?

Leisure, the Basis of Culture, by the German philosopher Josef Pieper - bookcover

In his book Leisure, the Basis of Culture, the German philosopher Josef Pieper claims that the greatest victory of Marxist socialism in the twentieth century was to convince man that he is primarily a worker. Indeed, one ramification of this problem was the death of leisure and the development of so many … Read more

Back to Merry Christmas

Back to Merry Christmas

It’s official. After six years of what has been called a “war on Christmas,” Merry Christmas is coming back. Much of corporate America has conceded defeat on the issue. What most people do not realize is that a conservative cultural victory slipped quietly under the radar and the rumblings of that battle … Read more