When Outrageous Becomes Blasphemous

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Many of us buy wall calendars but after casually flipping through the pictures the first two weeks of the year we tend to forget them. Ozzy Osbourne’s latest extravagant effort, a family calendar, is hard to forget.

The front cover displays the vulgarity and crudeness for which he is so known. A traditional statue of Our Lady is shown, holding the Child Jesus in her arms. Ozzy and his Gothic-dressed family surround the statue holding dogs in the exact same position as the Mother of God. Inside, the calendar is full of obscene gestures and anti-social behavior.

A calendar is more than just a reminder of dates. It speaks volumes about the owner. If scenes of European castles adorn the walls, the owner probably admires those remnants of Christian civilization. If stunning panoramas shine forth, the viewer perhaps likes marveling at the God-given natural beauty of the earth. The Osbourne calendar depicts anything but beauty. In fact, it shows just how far their outrageous behavior goes.

This could be summed up as just one more attempt at Catholic bashing. Not content with the troubles the Church is facing today, Andrews McMeel Publishing is adding salt to the wound.

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