V-Monologues Attacks Morality on 19 Catholic Campuses

According to the Cardinal Newman Society, the play is a conglomeration of vulgarities, obscenities and explicit discussions of sexuality and sexual encounters including lesbian activity and masturbation.
“The play tramples purity, modesty and degrades women. It openly flaunts sins against nature, and thus subverts the order established by God,” said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie. “This scandalous play offends every good Catholic and has absolutely no place on Catholic campuses.”

This is how one student described the play after seeing it:
“…it was a horrible exhibit of vice, lust, and infidelity. Everything about the play – the content, the performers, the atmosphere – was decidedly opposed to just about everything the Church teaches, whether it be about sexuality, abortion, contraception, holy matrimony, modesty, chastity, vulgarity, humility, reverence, you name it.

Join the Protest

TFP Student Action invites you to peacefully protest against the offensive production by signing a ready-to-go message to the presidents of every Catholic university where the V-Monologues is scheduled. Politely ask administrators at Catholic institutions to cancel the play.

Protests are most effective. In fact, several performances of the V-Monologues were cancelled last year due to the large number of complaints from students, alumni, and concerned Catholics.

Students nationwide applauded Fr. Brian J. Shanley, O.P., Ph.D., president of Providence College, when he prohibited the play on campus in 2006. He stated: “Doubtless some will reply that this is a violation of artistic freedom. But artistic freedom on a Catholic campus cannot mean the complete license to perform or display any work of art regardless of its intellectual or moral content.

“Any institution which sanctioned works of art that undermined its deepest values would be inauthentic, irresponsible, and ultimately self-destructive. At Providence College artistic freedom is governed by the values embodied in our mission statement. A Catholic college cannot sanction the performance of works of art that are inimical to the teaching of the Church…”
Below is a current listing of Catholic Universities hosting the V-Monologues.

Note: TFP Student Action is grateful to Mr. Patrick Reilly, president of the Cardinal Newman Society, for providing us with this list.

Updated February 6, 2008
1. Bellarmine University
Dr. Joseph McGowan, President
[email protected]

2. College of the Holy Cross
Fr. Michael McFarland, S.J., President
[email protected]

3. College of Mount Saint Vincent
Dr. Charles Flynn, Jr., President
[email protected]

4. College of Saint Rose
Dr. R. Mark Sullivan, President
[email protected]

5. DePaul University
Fr. Dennis Holtschneider, C.M., President
[email protected]

6. Dominican University of California
Dr. Joseph Fink, President
[email protected]

7. Fordham University
Fr. Joseph McShane, S.J., President
[email protected]

8. Georgetown University
Dr. John DeGioia, President
[email protected]

9. John Carroll University
Fr. Edward Glynn, S.J., President
[email protected]

10. Le Moyne College
Dr. John Smarrelli, Interim President
[email protected]

11. Loyola Marymount University
Fr. Robert Lawton, S.J., President
[email protected]

12. Loyola University Chicago
Fr. Michael Garanzini, S.J., President
[email protected]

13. Loyola University New Orleans
Fr. Kevin Wildes, S.J., President
[email protected]

14. Marygrove College
Dr. David Fike, President
[email protected]

15. Regis College
Dr. Mary Jane England, President
[email protected]

16. Saint Mary’s College of California
Br. Ronald Gallagher, President
[email protected]

17. University of Detroit Mercy
Fr. Gerard Stockhausen, S.J., President
[email protected]

18. University of Notre Dame
Fr. John Jenkins, C.S.C., President
[email protected]

19. University of San Francisco
Fr. Stephen Privett, S.J., President
[email protected]

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