Tom Hanks Provokes Catholics’ Ire

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As if starring in one of the highest profile blasphemies of history was not enough, The Da Vinci Code star Tom Hanks has added insult to injury with a blasphemous skit on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live,” on May 6.1

During the show’s beginning monologue, cast members dressed as clergymen and “clergywomen” reportedly derided Mr. Hanks for starring in The Da Vinci Code and threatened him with eternal damnation.

The blasphemous parody escalated as actor Jason Sudeikis appeared dressed as “Jesus Christ,” saying that he forgave Mr. Hanks. Mr. Hanks responded, “So you have seen the movie.” To which “Our Lord” quipped that he had not, but that he forgave Hanks for having made a boring movie in the past.1
Many could not fathom what Mr. Hanks hoped to accomplish by further provoking Catholics who will be protesting his film at theaters beginning May 19.

“I do not think that Catholics across the country found Tom Hanks’ blasphemous “Saturday Night Live” skit amusing,” said TFP Rejecting The Da Vinci Code campaign coordinator Francis Slobodnik. “I am certain that his attempt at humor will result in more protests and do further harm to box office sales of The Da Vinci Code movie.”



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