The air crackled with enthusiasm and expectation when, on March 10, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) hosted the first of a nationwide series of regional one-day conferences in Topeka, Kans. The event also ended with a public recitation of the rosary in front of the Kansas State Capitol, part of a soon to be announced Public Square Rosary campaign, in which an expected 1,000 public rosaries will be held to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the famous miracle of the sun at Fatima, on October 13.
Held at the well-known and stately Governor’s Row House, the conference was attended by more than 100 TFP friends, supporters and members, some traveling from as far away as Missouri and Arkansas to have their souls hear the TFP speakers.
Titled “Back to Basics: Revisiting the Foundations of the Counter-Revolution,” the conference examined the foundations upon which the late Catholic thinker Prof.Plinio Correa de Oliveira based his thought as developed in his landmark book Revolution and Counter-Revolution.
TFP member Norman Fulkerson began the conference with a historic presentation dubbed “The Age of Faith”, analyzing the Middle Ages by highlighting the sublime beauty of medieval times. In doing so, Mr. Fulkerson refuted many misconceptions often circulated about this era, showing how it was the epoch that most realized the reign of Christ on earth, thereby drawing the greatest hatred of those opposed to Christian civilization.
Mr. Luis Solimeo followed with a talk on “Eternal Law, Natural Law, and Positive Law”. Some may have been intimidated by the title, but Mr. Solimeo’s scholarly exposition and concise examples made this complex subject. He further showed how an erroneous understanding of these concepts provided the foundation for the moral crisis of modern society.
Mr. Michael Drake gave the third lecture, addressing the connection between the Fatima message and the Counter-Revolution. He sounded a call to action by showing concrete ways modern Catholics can effectively promote the Fatima message.
In his talk: “Everyone Knows Revolution and Counter-Revolution,” Mr. Norman Fulkerson showed how the fundamental concepts of Revolution and Counter-Revolution are so basic that everyone has at least a vague notion of them. Mr. Fulkerson concluded the conference by asserting that the best way to defend the Faith was for participants to assert publicly their Catholic identity and thus confound those seeking to destroy Christian civilization.
While at break between lectures and during lunch, attendees filled the Governor’s Row House with lively and thought provoking conversation. Still, their enthusiasm reached an apex with a public recitation of the rosary, in front of the Kansas State Capitol, blessed by the presence of a Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. It was a truly fitting manner to end such an inspiring occasion, thus allowing participants to affirm publicly the wonderful ideas discussed throughout the day.
Indeed, some attendees were so inspired that, after the rosary, they did not want to return home. Instead, they gathered at a local TFP supporter’s house, where they continued to discuss the day’s topics until late at night.
For information about attending a regional conference or to get involved in the TFP Public Square Rosary campaign, please call 866-584-6012.