Stopping High-Tech Abortion

On the Road with TFP Student Action 3

“Embryonic stem cell research: Thousands killed! Zero cured!” This was a chant reverberating off of the buildings of George Washington University on Feb. 12 as twelve members of TFP Student Action publicly denounced the immorality of embryonic stem cell research. They but also exposes how after twenty years of experimentation and billions … Read more

Gathered ’round the Manger

Gathered 'round the Manger 2

Once again, Lord, Christmas approaches. Christianity hastens again to adore Thee in the manger at Bethlehem, where Thou can be seen by the light of the twinkling star or under the brighter and more splendorous light of the maternal and sweet gaze of Mary. Saint Joseph stands nearby, so captivated by Thee … Read more

Vigilance: A Counter-Revolutionary Virtue

Vigilance: A Counter-Revolutionary Virtue 1

Modern man has a certain understanding of the virtues. When asked about them, meekness and kindness, even justice and fortitude immediately come to mind. However, there is one virtue which is almost entirely unknown. This virtue, which “…comprehends the rest, or supplies for all that may be wanting in them,” is vigilance. … Read more

The Importance of Chastity

The Importance of Chastity 3

Recently, Wal-Mart pulled magazines with racy covers from its shelves. Since the corporation can account for up to 15% of all single copy magazines, this measure is an extremely effective way to promote the too often ignored values of morality and decency. This effort deserves applause. It is also opportune to republish … Read more

Good Manners and Social Graces

Good Manners and Social Graces 4

In an attempt to help stem the tide of ugliness, vulgarity, and downright rudeness which floods our post-modern society, our Louisiana chapter sponsored two-day events for mothers and daughters titled Good Manners and Social Graces. From November 17 – 23, this mini-seminar, which was organized in Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Alexandria, emphasized … Read more