When Government Does Good Things Poorly

When Government Does Good Things Poorly

It is no secret that middle-class Americans are angry at the government and the general state of things. The so-called anti-establishment candidates appear to be channeling that rage to their camps. It is a raw undefined rage that is based more on frustrations and emotions than on concrete facts or convictions. People … Read more

It’s Not the Economy, Stupid!

It’s Not the Economy, Stupid!

As the nation heads into the next election cycle, there is much frustration, angst and anxiety directed at a system that does not seem to work. Everyone senses there is something terribly wrong with the country. The worst part of this growing malaise is the feeling that no one seems to know … Read more

Do Higher Taxes Really Produce Higher Revenue

Do Higher Taxes Really Produce Higher Revenue 3

With all the discussions about tax rates and the prodigious amount of municipal deficits, our politicians and media tell us that we must increase tax rates to survive. One is left with the hollow feeling that there are no options and we must raise taxes regardless of the effects to stave off … Read more

What about Gun Violence in Brazil?

What about Gun Violence in Brazil? 4

There are plenty of people who point to countries with fewer guns as models for the United States. However, there are few who take notice of Brazil, a country with far fewer guns that still manages to have much greater gun violence and death.No one seems to take note, but the numbers … Read more

The Decision for Socialization of Medicine

The Decision for Socialization of Medicine 1

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins with countless Americans in decrying the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision upholding the Obamacare individual mandate. The decision represents a tragic expansion of socialist style healthcare and the promotion of a pro-abortion agenda. Moreover, the Court recognized that the individual … Read more