Why We Must Resist Islam

Why We Must Resist Islam

Islam and the Suicide of the West: The Origin, Doctrine, and Goals of Islam, Luiz Sérgio Solimeo   Every year, the nation remembers the terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11. This event is carved deeply into the American psyche. Yet in these commemorations, the media give us terribly … Read more

Can the Church Abandon Her Mission Reaching Out to Save Souls?

Can the Church Abandon Her Mission Reaching Out to Save Souls?

Pope Francis’ meeting with the representative of the Russian Church and the Joint Declaration which ensued are causing the most diverse reactions. Condemnation of Abortion…But Praise for Communist Cuba The pro-life movement is excited by the unexpected and clear statement against abortion, defending marriage between a man and a woman, and condemning … Read more

America’s Native Spirit

America’s Native Spirit 2

It might appear to a casual observer that the United States is not a country where one would find a healthy regionalism. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the Bluegrass State which is commonly seen merely as the home of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Those who see it this way might be … Read more

The Dictatorship of Equality – A Catholic Perspective

The Dictatorship of Equality - A Catholic Perspective 2

Part I An Ill-Disguised Dictatorship   Why do most people feel uncomfortable talking about equality?  Is it fear of being “different?” Fear of being ridiculed? Fear of rejection? Political correctness? Peer pressure? No one admits it, but everyone is aware of an ill-disguised dictatorship of equality that creates uneasiness at the sole … Read more

The Rising Influence of Intelligent Design

The Rising Influence of Intelligent Design 1

The ongoing assault on the supernatural order that generates our love of God is reaching a critical stage. The revival of Gnosticism, the stubbornness of socialistic-communistic thinking, and immoral, destructive behavior are reaching their apex of driving God from our consciousness as an object of worship and a guide to correct our … Read more

Tracing the Glorious Origins of Priestly Celibacy

Tracing the Glorious Origins of Priestly Celibacy 3

Self-appointed reformers always arise in times of crises offering “brilliant” solutions that attempt to demolish the Church’s most venerable traditions. Priestly celibacy, a glorious trait of the Latin Church, has been a constant target of these so-called reformers. Curiously enough, abolishing priestly celibacy comes hand-in-hand with destroying the indissolubility of marriage. This … Read more