The Martyrs of Japan: Champions of the Faith

The Martyrs of Japan: Champions of the Faith

It was March of 1585. After three exhausting years spent traveling halfway around the world, Julian and his friends, all Japanese converts to the Catholic Faith, looked out on Rome. They were probably the first Japanese to gaze on the Eternal City, which seemed like something out of a dream. As they … Read more

Five Reasons You Should Reject the LA REC

Five Reasons You Should Reject the LA REC

Once again, the time has come for the annual Religious Education Congress of the Los Angeles Archdiocese (REC). As in past years, the event promises to scandalize orthodox Catholics and spread ideas that are toxic to the Faith. This is especially concerning because the event is the biggest of its kind in … Read more

Poll Finds It Takes Faith to Believe in Climate Change

Poll Finds It Takes Faith to Believe in Climate Change

Many people wonder why Pope Francis focuses so much on climate change. Indeed, two papal documents concentrate exclusively on the matter. The latest apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, bitterly complains about how the People of God have not heeded earlier warnings. The pope’s trip to Dubai’s COP28 eco-conference only highlights this dire gospel … Read more

Here’s Three Ways to Practice Your Faith in Business

Here’s Three Ways to Practice Your Faith in Business

I asked myself what I might present to a group of Catholic entrepreneurs who want to practice their Faith in business. The task is rendered difficult by the times and the many misconceptions people have about the Faith and finances. Some Catholics think the Christian business model should be based on charity. … Read more

Questioning Pope Francis’s Evolving Doctrine and Morals Is Neither Ideology nor Backwardness, but Remaining Steadfast in the Faith

Questioning Pope Francis’s Evolving Doctrine and Morals Is Neither Ideology nor Backwardness, but Remaining Steadfast in the Faith

In recent weeks, Pope Francis has repeated that critics of the new developments he is introducing into the Church are victims of “ideology.” In his view, this is because they refuse to embody Catholic doctrine into the vicissitudes of the daily lives of the baptized and their fellow countrymen. In his controversial … Read more

The World Needs Backpack Heroes Who Seek After Beauty

The World Needs Backpack Heroes Who Seek After Beauty

The world was recently stunned by the image of a deranged Syrian man who went on a stabbing spree, attacking small children at a park in France. Perhaps even more stunning and inspiring were the actions of a young man who stood in his way armed with two backpacks . . . and his … Read more

The Novus Ordo Weaponized for “Another Faith”?

The Novus Ordo Weaponized for “Another Faith”?

Editor’s Note: This is the last of five articles taken from an important study by French TFP director José Antonio Ureta about the theological foundations of the recent Apostolic Exhortation Desiderio Desideravi. The Mass “of Another Faith”? An Uncomfortable Question In the four aspects analyzed in the preceding parts—(1) the purpose of … Read more

Walgreens Employees Who Dare Say, “Thou Shalt Not!”

Unfortunately, the most normal thing in our immoral and abnormal times is for a person to acquire contraception from a local drug store all over the modern world. Contraception is one of those settled issues that no one is supposed to oppose. However, the opposition continues. . . especially in America. Two cases recently erupted … Read more