Self-Managing Socialism: Zappos Style

Self-Managing Socialism: Zappos Style 1

There have been many attempts to apply socialism to the modern workplace. One of these was the program of former president of France François Mitterrand who sought to implement what he called self-managing socialism in 1981. Like all such schemes, it was a dismal failure. He could not make the moldy principles … Read more

The Nuclear Deal with Iran, Hitler, and the Ayatollahs

The Nuclear Deal with Iran, Hitler, and the Ayatollahs 1

The Nuclear Deal with Iran, Hitler, and the Ayatollahs The July 14, 2015 Vienna accord over Iran’s development and use of nuclear energy and the lifting of sanctions inevitably brings to mind the “Munich Agreement” made by the governments of Britain and France with Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler on September 30, 1938. … Read more