LGBT Activists Disrupt Protest Against Homo-erotic Advertisements

LGBT Activists Disrupt Protest Against Homo-erotic Advertisements 2

On March 11, the Dutch organization, Stichting Civitas Christiana, held a street campaign in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, directed against the sexually explicit advertising posters of clothing manufacturer Suitsupply. The demonstration immediately sparked a counter-protest by LGBT activists, who reacted with violence, insults and threats. The protest all happened under the watchful eyes … Read more

Apologia for a Catholic Counter-Revolutionary

Apologia for a Catholic Counter-Revolutionary 2

""""[vc_column_text] “When still very young, I marveled at the ruins of Christendom and gave them my heart. I turned my back on all I could expect and made of that past, so full of blessings, my future.” With these words taken from an address made by the Brazilian jurist and eminent conservative … Read more