Shameful Queer Studies at DePaul, Catholics Protest

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Saint Vincent de Paul, whose body remains incorrupt to this day, would be horrified by the shameful developments at DePaul University.
Saint Vincent de Paul, whose body remains incorrupt to this day, would be horrified by the shameful developments at DePaul University.

DePaul University is apparently the first Catholic university to formally establish an undergraduate minor program in homosexuality. The new program began in January, sparking controversy and concern over the state of moral decay within higher learning.1

“I must say the program is shameful, especially for a university that advertises itself as Catholic. The Church teaches that homosexual vice is intrinsically evil, sinful, unnatural. To pretend the topic is open to other valid interpretations is to simply deny Catholic teaching,” said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie.2

According to the Chicago Tribune:“The minor requires that students take an introductory course and five electives, which can include courses in queer theory, history of sexuality in America, queer pioneers and gay and lesbian literature.” The article mentions how, “several students in the class said they are planning for jobs in lesbian and gay activism…”1 As the article suggests, many fear DePaul is training the next generation of pro-homosexual activists who would redefine marriage.3

The clash on campus is real. “Queer studies” and DePaul’s Catholic identity cannot coexist side by side. In fact, DePaul’s mission statement speaks of its “…deep roots in the wisdom nourished in Catholic universities from medieval times. The principal distinguishing marks of the university are its Catholic, Vincentian, and urban character.”4

However, a minor in homosexuality undermines the very moral foundation the Vincentians inherited from their founder Saint Vincent de Paul. Why would DePaul push aside its glorious Catholic medieval roots? To serve political correctness? Where is the concern for souls? Let us recall the wisdom of Our Divine Savior: “No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”2

A glimpse at DePaul’s web site flags more trouble:

    • DePaul recognizes two openly pro-homosexual student clubs: Outlaws, for law students and Spectrum. Spectrum’s web site promotes a “Coming Out Ball.”
    • Under “Gay/Lesbian Studies,” DePaul features links to notorious pro-homosexual advocacy groups, including Act-Up. In 1989, members of Act-Up invaded St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York during Mass to protest Cardinal John O’Connor’s disapproval of sex-education. “One protester even grabbed a Communion wafer — which, to Catholics, is the body of Christ — and threw it on the church floor. They had to be dragged out of the church by police.”3
    • DePaul created “The Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Allies (LGBTQA) Student Services.” The stated goal of this department is to encourage “acceptance and awareness around LGBTQ issues and concerns.” The office helps students deal with cases of “homophobia, heterosexism, and transphobia…”
    • On February 18-19, the immoral play “V-Monologues” staged on campus. At least 1,000 students protested by e-mail, letter and phone, asking DePaul president, a priest, to cancel the lewd production. Apparently, these Catholic students’ concerns were ignored.
    • A pro-homosexual activist and professor spoke at DePaul on Feb. 20. The title of his lecture was: “From Sodomy Laws to Marriage: The History of American Sexual Identity.” Writing about the event, student newspaper, DePaulia, said: “The lecture itself was an example of progress for the homosexual community as one of the first events hosted by DePaul’s new minor program…”4
  • Finally, DePaul’s web site displays a confusing quote by Rev. Edward R. Udovic, C.M., senior executive for university mission. The statement reads: “DePaul’s Vincentian identity isn’t a Catholic thing per se, or even a Christian thing per se, but a human thing.”5

Urgent Call for Peaceful Protest

A wakeup call is needed. The time to speak up is now. TFP Student Action is calling on thousands across the country to join its urgent protest by contacting DePaul University. Honestly, if nothing is said now, how can we expect Catholic higher education to remain Catholic much longer?5

You are invited to speak out today. It is important that you do so respectfully, peacefully and legally.
Similar protests have been highly successful. Providence College, for example, recently banned the immoral “V-Monologues” play. The University of Notre Dame finally put restrictions on the immoral play, but only after many students and faithful Catholics voiced their outrage. Hopefully, future productions will be completely canceled.

* * *

Quotes by Saint Vincent de Paul:

“He who allows himself to be ruled or guided by the lower and animal part of his nature, deserves to be called a beast rather than a man.”
As it is most certain that the teaching of Christ cannot deceive, if we would walk securely, we ought to attach ourselves to it with greatest confidence and to profess openly that we live according to it, and not to the maxims of the world, which are all deceitful. This is the fundamental maxim of all Christian perfection.”6


  1. “At DePaul, Queer Studies Finds a Niche” by Jodi S. Cohen, Chicago Tribune, 02-20-06.
  2. Matt. 6:24.
  3. a href=”” target=”_blank”>“AIDS Protests at Churches” by Randy Shilts, San Francisco Chronicle, 12-18-89.
  4. “Gay rights talk given by Chauncey” by Lauren Berta.
  5. Walking the Talk: Our Values in Action.

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