Relief for Fatima Custodians

Through the exceptional generosity of America Needs Fatima members, four of Our Lady’s Fatima custodians received newer model vans with lower mileage in order to continue the important home visitation program.

“You cannot imagine what a relief it is to drive a newer van,” said custodian, Joseph Ferrara. He was one of the four very grateful custodians to receive a more recent model Astro van.
For several years now, our members voted the home visitation program among the most popular apostolates of America Needs Fatima. Getting newer vans for the Blessed Mother’s Fatima Custodians was a crucial step to assure that Our Lady’s statue could visit more homes in 2003.

The graces bestowed upon countless souls at these visits are remarkable. This is what a lady from Ohio wrote about a recent Fatima presentation at her home: “We were in awe at having Our Blessed Mother come into our home. A real blessing for us, our families and friends who have thanked us many times for the invitation.”
Since the Fatima custodians travel 30,000 miles each year, the newer vans were indispensable to the continuation of the program. We thank the hundreds of America Needs Fatima members who made this apostolate possible, and we pray that God bless them and this work with ever increasing graces.

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