Rejecting The Da Vinci Code Book Goes Nationwide

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As part of its massive protest against blasphemy, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its America Needs Fatima campaign are targeting tens of thousands of their activists sending them copies of the book, Rejecting The Da Vinci Code.

By spreading the book to select membership segments, the American TFP hopes to builds a network of people united to protest The Da Vinci Code book and the soon-to-be-released film version of the bestseller.

Written by the TFP’s Committee on American Issues, the 124-page book puts its readers in a position to dispute Dan Brown’s wild claims against the Church. It makes people aware of the strange Gnostic doctrines interwoven into the plot. The TFP work points out that under the guise of a thriller, The Da Vinci Code attacks the purity and divinity of Christ, the authenticity of the Gospel, the divine institution of the Papacy and the holy mysteries of the Faith.

“Our idea is to make every reader a focal point of radiation that will stand up and speak out against The Da Vinci Code to family and friends,” says campaign director Robert E. Ritchie. “Instead of one main center to get the news out, we now have over 50,000 centers nationwide!”

As the film’s release approaches next May, the TFP campaign hopes to mobilize its activists in all fifty states and on numerous university campuses to protest at theaters and counter the expected colossal Hollywood publicity that will advertise the movie as “fiction.”

The latest TFP effort in spreading Rejecting The Da Vinci Code to families in all 50 states makes it clear that the book is not just fiction but a one-sided attack on Christ and His Church. The TFP campaign hopes to bring the real issues to the fore.

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