Professor Desecrates the Holy Eucharist: TFP Student Action Calls for Reparation

“If I have spoken evil, give testimony of the evil; but if well, why strikest thou me?” (John 18:23)

Atheist biology professor at the University of Minnesota, Paul Z. Myers, desecrated a consecrated Host and broadcasted the sacrilege on his blog on July 24. He wrote: “I pierced it [the Host] with a rusty nail (I hope Jesus’ tetanus shots are up to date). And then I simply threw it in the trash.”

Catholics nationwide are rightly outraged.

No disciplinary measures appear to have been taken by University of Minnesota officials in response to the public sacrilege committed by Prof. Myers.

However, the University of Minnesota’s ambivalence is not surprising. In 2007, TFP Student Action protested an anti-Catholic production hosted at the university called “The Pope and the Witch” by communist playwright Dario Fo. Although the play portrayed the Pope as a heroine-addict and mocked the Crucifixion, the university did nothing to stop it.

Call for Reparation

TFP Student Action encourages its members and friends to offer prayers of reparation for this sacrilege. May our prayers console the Sacred Heart of Jesus and somehow repair the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended.

Please express your peaceful and polite concern to president of the University of Minnesota, Dr. Robert H. Bruininks:

Via e-mail:
[email protected]

Via U.S. mail:
Dr. Robert H. Bruininks, President
University of Minnesota
202 Morrill Hall
100 Church Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455

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